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[Launchpad] Can't start local server because of an error

brunoscopelliti opened this issue · comments

I wanted to start the "Debug the debugger" activity, but I had some problems getting the local server up.
I'm using node 10.2.1; I've installed it through nvm-windows.

This is a screenshot of the error.


I've debugged, and found that the problem is caused by the fact that check-node-version treats some npm's warnings as errors.



While searching a work around for this problem I've also found that currently the way checkNode is called is not correct, because we're passing a string there.



I could try to fix this issue during this weekend.

If you're ok with that, I would also like to update check-node-version to its latest version, because I don't replicate the initial issue I had (I've checked in devtools-launchpad, and it's used only once).



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