firede / apollo-link-electron

:electron: Get GraphQL results over IPC for Electron apps. (WIP)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can I use the link in my project?

Tzelon opened this issue · comments

I wonder if apollo-link-electron is ready to be used in projects. if not how can we get it to be ready?


Not recommended.

Although it basically works, but I haven't done the necessary exception handling and testing.

And another point, if you do CPU intensive work in the main process, it’ll lock up all your renderer processes. I'm not sure it's a good idea to move the GraphQL server to the main process.

Background renderer process, renderer process, main process or web workers?
I plan to do some performance tests and decide where to move the GraphQL server.

I will keep the issue open.