firebase / genkit

An open source framework for building AI-powered apps with familiar code-centric patterns. Genkit makes it easy to integrate, test, and deploy sophisticated AI features to Firebase or Google Cloud.

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[JS] model 'gemma' not found, try pulling it first

cdll opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
when i click [Run] on the flow, there is an error showing that model 'gemma' not found, try pulling it first

To Reproduce
following the genkit init steps and use the default ollama way to start genkit start.
(in fact i 've got ollama installed and serving, and gemma:7b has been pulled before ollama serve)

Expected behavior
start my flow rightly (or show me how to check my ollama models are ready for genkit.


Runtime (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows]
  • Version [10]

** Node version

  • v18.19.1

Additional context
can the ollama plugin be more easier to debug.

ok, i figured it out. in the configureGenkit.plugins[0].ollama.models, we should set name to gemma:7b, and in the defineFlow's async callback we should use model: 'ollama/gemma:7b' in the generate method.
thats all, thanks~