finos / OSLC-handbook

A data store and handbook of practical information about complying with the most common open source licenses.

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Add a CLA bot

alandtse opened this issue · comments

While I understand some reluctance for a CLA bot from some people, anything that requires a user to leave GitHub to contribute will turn away contributions. There are a few implementations so I just pasted the first Google hit.

I admittedly contributed a PR for a simple typo before reading the contributing guidelines (which we could spend time arguing about whether it's a copyrightable contribution) but I don't know if I'll spend the time to sign the CLA. I also so other typos in the docs, but again, whether I'll bother to email to sign a CLA outside of GitHub is another issue entirely.

Ok, I realize I spoke too soon and you have some automation now to identify those who haven't signed the CLA, so let me clarify. I think you need some electronic signing built into the process. The wall of text that requires me to print out a document, scan it, and then email it back in is probably enough that I won't do it for the typo fix. Of course, this is your project and you can easily fix the typo without my PR.

Thank you for your comments, Alan. I agree that we need to streamline the CLA process and recognize it's a frustration for contributors. We're working on a solution. In the meantime, I've approved your commit.