fingerpich / jalali-moment

Display, parse, manipulate, validate and convert jalali (Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) or Gregorian (Miladi) dates and times.

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Why jalali-moment packages remove from my project when i install typescript package?

AmirHosein20 opened this issue · comments

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I install the jalali-moment and it work ,just after the npm install typescript on my project , jalali-moment packages has removed from my project

So you say if I ran the following commands

npm i jalali-moment -S
npm i typescript -D

jalali-moment would not be in node_modules?

So you say if I ran the following commands

npm i jalali-moment -S
npm i typescript -D

jalali-moment would not be in node_modules?

yes , of course i ran this

 npm install jalali-moment 
 npm install typescript 

تا اونجا که من فهمیدم میگی که وقتی تایپ اسکریپت رو بعد از جلالی مامنت نصب میکنی جلالی مامنت حذف میشه و دیگه تو

بله - همین طور هست

Its not related to jalali moment
but to find the problem run the following script in terminal

mkdir newproject
cd newproject
npm install jalali-moment
npm install typescript
if [ -d ./node_modules/jalali-moment ]
    echo "jalali-moment present"
    echo "jalali-moment not present"

I ran it and it showed me jalali-moment present