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InsideLoop is a C++11 library for high performance scientific applications running on processors (including Xeon and Xeon Phi) and coprocessors (Cuda). This library has been designed to provide you with:

  • Efficient containers:
    • Arrays and multi-dimensional arrays with different allocation policies
    • sets and maps implemented using open addressing with quadratic probing
    • Unicode Strings implemented with small size optimization
    • An efficient dynamic type
  • IO using the binary Numpy file format for arrays and the textual TOML file format for structured data
  • A pure C++11 library with no dependency for easy integration in both free software and commercial products
  • For those who can afford a library dependency, an easy access to the best numerical libraries from Intel (MKL) and nVidia (cuBLAS and cuSPARSE)

In a few words, InsideLoop should appeal to scientific programmers looking for easy-to-use containers and wrappers around the best numerical libraries available today.

Note that for the time being, InsideLoop is a work in progress. Although some parts of it have been used in production code, it is still experimental. Even the API is not stabilized yet.

Debugability and efficiency for dynamic arrays

Our first container, il::Array is meant to be a replacement for std::vector.

#include <il/Array.h>

int main() {
  const il::int_t n = 100;
  il::Array<double> v(n);
  for (il::int_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
    v[i] = 1.0 / (1 + i);
  return 0;

As std::vector, it owns its memory which is allocated at construction and released at destruction. Its size can be decided at run-time, and changed during the lifetime of the object. The array can also be moved efficiently. Almost all methods available for std::vector are also available for il::Array. However, it differs from the standard library container on the following points:

  • Bounds checking: By default, bound checking is available for all our containers in debug mode. For il::Array<T>, v[i] are bounds checked in debug mode but not in release mode.
  • Indices: Our containers use signed integers for indices. We use std::ptrdiff_t which is typedefed to il::int_t (it is a 64 bit signed integer on 64-bit macOS, Linux and Windows platforms).
  • Initialization: When T is a trivial type (int, float, double, etc), the construction of an il::Array<T> does not initialize its memory.
  • Vectorization: InsideLoop library has been designed to allow many loops to be vectorized automatically by the compiler, and to allow easy access to the underlying structure of the objects when guided or manual vectorization is needed.

These choices are important for both debugability and performance. We use signed integers because it makes it easier to write correct programs. Suppose you want to write a fonction that takes an array of double v and returns the largest index k such that a <= k < b and v[k] is equal to 0. With signed integers, the code is straightforward:

#include <il/Array.h>

il::int_t f(const il::Array<double>& v, a, b) {
  IL_EXPECT_FAST(a >= 0);
  IL_EXPECT_FAST(b <= v.size());
  for (il::int_t k = b - 1; k >= a; --k) {
    if (v[k] == 0.0) {
      return k;
  return -1;

If you write the same code with unsigned integers, you'll get a bug if a == 0 and v does not contain any zero. In this case, k will go down to 0, and then the cyclic nature of unsigned integers will make k jump from 0 to 2^32 - 1 == 4'294'967'295. An out-of-bound access and a crash is ready to happen. Writing a correct code with unsigned integers can be done, but is a bit more tricky. We cannot count all the bugs which have been discovered because of unsigned integers. Their usage in the C++ standard library was a mistake as acknowledged by Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter and Chandler Carruth in this video at 42:38 and 1:02:50. Using InsideLoop's library allow programmers to stay away from them. Moreover, the fact that signed overflow is undefined behaviour in C/C++ allows optimizations which are not available to the compiler when dealing with unsigned integers as can be seen on this video at 39:16.

We don't enforce initialization of numeric types for debugability and performance reason. Let's look at the following code which stores the cosine of various numbers in an array. It has an obvious bug as v[n - 1] is not set.

#include <cmath>

#include <il/Array.h>

int main() {
  const il::int_t n = 2'000'000'000;
  const double x = 0.001;
  il::Array<double> v(n);
  for (il::int_t i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
    v[i] = std::cos(i * x);
  return 0;

With InsideLoop, in debug mode, at construction, all v[k] are set to NaN which will propagate very fast in your code and will make the bug easy to track. With std::vector, v[n - 1] would have been set to 0 which would make the error harder to track. In release mode, none of the v[k] will be set at construction and the array v will be set only once and not twice as in the standard library.

Once the bug is fixed, you might want to use OpenMP for multithreading. With InsideLoop's library, all you need is to add a pragma before the loop to get efficient multithreading.

#include <cmath>

#include <il/Array.h>

int main() {
  const il::int_t n = 2'000'000'000;
  const double x = 0.001;
  il::Array<double> v(n);
#pragma omp parallel for
  for (il::int_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
    v[i] = std::cos(i * x);
  return 0;

The same code would be much slower with std::vector on a dual-socket workstation because of Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) effects. As all the memory is initialized to 0.0 by the standard library, the first touch policy will map all the memory used by v to the RAM close to one of the processors. During the OpenMP loop, half of the vector will be taken care by the other socket and the memory will have to go trough the Quick Path Interconnect (QPI). The performance of the loop will be limited. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution for this problem with std::vector (unless you really want to deal with custom allocators) and this is one of the many reason std::vector is not often used in high performance computing programs.

Concerning vectorization, unfortunately, pointer aliasing makes vectorization impossible for the compiler in many situations. It has to be taken care either by working directly with pointers and using the restrict keyword or by using OpenMP 4 pragmas such as #pragma omp simd. InsideLoop library allows to get access to the underlying structure of the containers when such manual optimization is needed. Moreover, for efficient vectorization, it is sometimes useful to align memory to the vector width which is 32 bytes on AVX processors. This can be easily done with the constructor il::Array<double> v(n, il::align, 32). You can even misalign arrays on AVX for teaching purposes with il::Array<double> w(n, il::align, 16, 16, 32).

Allocation on the stack for static and small arrays

Insideloop's library also provides il::StaticArray<T, n> which is a replacement for std::array<T, n> and uses the stack for its storage.

It is also useful to work with small arrays whose size is not known at compile time but for which we know that most of them will have a small size. For those cases, InsideLoop provides the object il::SmallArray<T, n> which is a dynamic array whose elements are allocated on the stack when its size is below n and allocated on the heap when its size is larger than n. For instance, the sparsity pattern of a sparse matrix for which most rows contains no more than 5 non-zero elements could be efficiently represented and filled with the following code:

#include <il/Array.h>
#include <il/SmallArray.h>

il::Array<il::SmallArray<double, 5>> A{n};
for (il::int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  LOOP {
    const il::int_t column = ...;

This structure will allow us to use few memory allocations.

Multidimensional arrays

InsideLoop's library provides efficient multidimensional arrays, in Fortran and C order. The object il::Array2D<T> represents a 2-dimensional array, with Fortran ordering: the memory will successively contains A(0, 0), A(1, 0), ..., A(nb_row - 1, 0), A(0, 1), A(1, 1), ..., A(nb_row - 1, 1), ..., A(nb_row - 1, nb_col - 1). This ordering is the one used in Fortran, and for that reason, most BLAS libraries (including the MKL) are better optimized for it. Here is a code that constructs an Hilbert matrix:

#include <il/Array2D.h>

const il::int_t n = 63;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
for (il::int_t j = 0; A.size(1); ++j) {
  for (il::int_t i = 0; A.size(0); ++i) {
    A(i, j) = 1.0 / (2 + i + j);

Most operations available on il::Array<T> are also available for il::Array2D<T>. For instance, it is possible to resize the object and reserve memory for it. It is also possible to align a multidimensional array. The object will include some padding at the end of each column so the first element of each column is aligned.

#include <il/Array2D.h>

const il::int_t n = 63;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n, il::align, 32);
for (il::int_t j = 0; A.size(1); ++j) {
  for (il::int_t i = 0; A.size(0); ++i) {
    A(i, j) = 1.0 / (2 + i + j);

For those who want a 2-dimensional array with C ordering, il::Array2C<T> provides such an object. We also provide il::Array3D<T> and il::Array4D<T> objects.

A il::StaticArray2D<T, n0, n1> is also available for 2-dimensional arrays whose size is known at compile time. Their elements are stored on the stack instead of the heap.

Linear algebra on processors optimized by the Intel MKL

Matrices are represented as 2-dimensional arrays and many routines are available to help solving linear algebra problems.

You can easily multiply a matrix by a vector with the following code.

#include <il/Array2D.h>

const il::int_t n = 1000;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
// Fill the matrix
il::Array<double> x(n);
// Fill x

il::Array<double> y = il::dot(A, x);

Matrix multiplication is also available with the same function

#include <il/Array2D.h>
#include <il/linear_algebra/dense/blas/dot.h>

const il::int_t n = 1000;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
// Fill the matrix A
il::Array2D<double> B(n, n);
// Fill the matrix B

il::Array2D<double> C = il::dot(A, B);

which can be used for any tensor contraction.

It allows the best performance available on Intel processors as it uses the MKL library behind the scene. If a matrix C is already available and you want to add the result of A.B to C, you can use the following blas function which won't allocate any memory:

#include <il/Array2D.h>
#include <il/linear_algebra/dense/blas/blas.h>

const il::int_t n = 1000;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
// Fill the matrix A
il::Array2D<double> B(n, n);
// Fill the matrix B
il::Array2D<double> C(n, n);
// Fill the matrix C

const double alpha = 1.0;
const double beta = 1.0;
// Perform C = alpha A.B + beta C
il::blas(alpha, A, B, beta, il::io, C);

As you can see, InsideLoop is quite different from other linear algebra packages such as Eigen. We don't use expression templates which would allow to write C += A * B and expect good performance. But it allows us to have a better control of the memory and the different operations. It also allows us to have a code that you can understand and hack easily if you need a new feature. You are more likely to understand the errors of the compiler if something goes wrong.

You can also solve system of linear equations:

// Code to solve the system A.x = y
#include <il/Array2D.h>
#include <il/linear_algebra/dense/factorization/LU.h>

const il::int_t n = 1000;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
// Fill the matrix
il::Array<double> y(n);
// Fill y

il::Status status;
il::LU<il::Array2D<double>> lu_decomposition(A, il::io, status);
if (!status.ok()) {
  // The matrix is singular to the machine precision. You should deal with the error.

il::Array<double> x = lu_decomposition.solve(y);

This code shows many design patterns available in the InsideLoop library. At first we define the matrix and the second member of the linear system. Then, we do the LU decomposition with partial pivoting of the matrix A, which is then stored in the object lu_decomposition. As the matrix might be singular with respect to machine precision (the algorithm finds no pivot in the process of the LU factorization), an error has to be given back to the user. Such errors are given back through il::Status objects which are passed by reference to the function. The tag il::io is here to distinguish in between input and output parameters. All parameters at its left are passed by value or constant reference (they are input parameters) and all parameters at its right are passed by reference (they are input/output parameters). It is mandatory to check the status of the function before the end of the scope. Otherwise the object status will abort the program when destroyed. You can also choose to ignore the status of the code with status.ignore_error() or even abort the program if there is any error with status.abort_on_error(). This interface allows an explicit handling of error and makes it impossible to ignore them. It also allows InsideLoop to be used within codes that don't allow exceptions.

For those who are familiar with LAPACK which is used behind the scene, it is known that the LU decomposition is done inplace by the routine. As A is on the left of the il::io tag, it shows clearly that A cannot be mutated. A careful inspection of the signature of the constructor of il::PartialLU<il::Array2D<double>> shows that A is passed by value. In case you don't need A anymore after the construction of lu_decomposition and you don't want to pay the price of a copy, you can move A into lu_decomposition. It is also known that the solving part of LAPACK functions works inplace. As a consequence, we can even avoid memory allocation for x.

// Code to solve the system A.x = y
#include <il/Array2D.h>
#include <il/linear_algebra/dense/factorization/LU.h>

const il::int_t n = 1000;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
// Fill the matrix
il::Array<double> y(n);
// Fill y

il::Status status;
il::LU<il::Array2D<double>> lu_decomposition(std::move(A), il::io, status);
if (!status.ok()) {
  // The matrix is singular to the machine precision. You should deal with the error.

il::Array<double> x = lu_decomposition.solve(std::move(y));

This example shows that InsideLoop has explicit interfaces, allows explicit error handling, and the interfaces have been carefully crafted to get the same memory consumption and the same peformance of direct calls to the MKL. As our code is as simple as possible, it will be very easy for you to add new methods to our objects if you want to change the interface to get better performance in a case we overlooked.

Sparse Linear algebra

InsideLoop also allows you to work with sparse matrices. You can work with Compressed Storage Row format, but there are also some other format optimized for BLAS operations. The following example solves the Heat equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on a cube of size 70x70x70. We use the conjugate gradient method. As this algorithm requires many A.x operations (BLAS level 2), we use the il::SparseMatrixBlas object that contains a format optimized for BLAS operations.

int main() {
  const double tolerance = 1.0e-8;

  const il::int_t side = 70;
  il::SparseMatrixCSR<int, double> A = il::head3d<int, double>(side);
  const il::int_t n = A.size(0);
  il::Array<double> y(n, 1.0);
  il::Array<double> x(n, 0.0);

  // This routine solves the conjugate gradient method that works for positive
  // definite symmetric matrices. The implementation comes from the wikipedia
  // page.

  // We use a sparse matrix representation optimized for BLAS operations. 
  il::SparseMatrixBlas<int, double> A_blas(il::io, A);

  // r = y - A.x 
  il::Array<double> r = y;
  il::blas(-1.0, A_blas, x, 1.0, il::io, r);
  // p = r
  il::Array<double> p = r;
  double delta = il::dot(r, r);
  il::Array<double> Ap{n};

  while (true) {
    // Ap = A.p
    il::blas(1.0, A_blas, p, 0.0, il::io, Ap);
    const double alpha = delta / il::dot(p, Ap);
    // x = x + alpha.p
    il::blas(alpha, p, 1.0, il::io, x);
    // r = r - alpha.Ap 
    il::blas(-alpha, Ap, 1.0, il::io, r);
    const double beta = il::dot(r, r);
    std::printf("Iteration: %3li,   Error: %7.3e\n", i, std::sqrt(beta));
    if (beta <= tolerance * tolerance) {
    // p = r + (beta / delta).p
    il::blas(1.0, r, beta / delta, il::io, p);
    delta = beta;
  return 0;

You can also solve the same problem with a direct method, using a LU decomposition from the Pardiso solver.

int main() {
  const il::int_t side = 70;
  il::SparseMatrixCSR<int, double> A = il::head3d<int, double>(side);
  const il::int_t n = A.size(0);
  il::Array<double> y{n, 1.0};
  il::Pardiso solver{};
  il::Array<double> x = solver.solve(A_bis, y);

  return 0;

Linear algebra on Cuda devices

We also provide containers for Cuda Devices. The folling code creates an array on the main memory and copies it to the memory of your GPU.

#include <il/Array.h>
#include <il/CudaArray.h>

const int n = 1000000;
il::Array<double> v_host(n);
for (il::int_t i = 0; i < v_host.size(); ++i) {
    v[i] = 1.0 / (1 + i);

il::CudaArray<double> v_gpu(n);
il::copy(v_host, il::io, v_gpu);

Of course, BLAS operations such as matrix multiplication are availble and runs the cuBLAS library provided by NVidia. Their usage is similar to what is available on the processor. The following code creates matrices in the main memory, then transfers it to the CUDA device where the BLAS operation is performed. Its result is then copied back to the main memory.

#include <il/Array2D.h>
#include <il/CudaArray2D.h>

const int n = 10000;
il::Array2D<double> A(n, n);
il::Array2D<double> B(n, n);
// Fill matrices A and B

auto A_gpu = il::copy<il::CudaArray2D<double>>(A);
auto B_gpu = il::copy<il::CudaArray2D<double>>(B);
il::CudaArray2D<double> C_gpu(n, n);

il::blas(1.0, A_gpu, B_gpu, 0.0, il::io, C_gpu);

auto C =  il::copy<il::Array2D<double>>(C_gpu);

This makes it very easy to compare state of the art libraries on processors and on a co-processor. For instance, here are the timings for multiplying two 10000x10000 matrices of floats and doubles on different devices using both the MKL from Parallel Studio XE 2017 and cuBLAS from CUDA 8.0:

Device Time (float) TFlops (float) Time (double) TFlops (double)
Core i7, 4 cores, Haswell (MacBook Pro 2014) 6.25 s 0.320 TFlops 12.78 s 0.150 TFlops
Dual-Xeon E5-2660, 2x14 cores, Broadwell 1.36 s 1.450 TFlops 2.72 s 0.730 TFlops
NVidia Titan X Pascal 0.20 s 10.100 TFlops 5.40 s 0.370 TFlops

As you can see, it it very easy to adapt CPU code to CUDA code. The following code performs a conjugate gradient method on a CUDA device. In the main algorithm, the only difference is the usage of a CUDA handle to the BLAS functions.

int main() {
  const il::int_t nb_iteration = 10;
  const float tolerance = 1.0e-10f;
  const il::int_t side = 300;

  il::SparseMatrixCSR<int, float> A = il::head3d<int, float>(side);
  const il::int_t n = A.size(0);
  il::Array<float> y{n, 1.0f};
  il::Array<float> x{n, 0.0f};

  // Copy the arrays to the GPU
  auto Ad = il::copy<il::CudaSparseMatrixCSR<float>>(A);
  auto yd = il::copy<il::CudaArray<float>>(y);
  auto xd = il::copy<il::CudaArray<float>>(x);
  // Handle for cuBLAS (used for scalar products) and cuSPARSE (used for
  // sparse matrix multiplication).
  il::CublasHandle cublas_handle{};
  il::CusparseHandle cusparse_handle{};

  // This routine solves the conjugate gradient method that works for positive
  // definite symmetric matrices. The implementation comes from the wikipedia
  // page.

  // rd = yd - A.xd
  il::CudaArray<float> rd{yd};
  il::blas(-1.0, Ad, xd, 1.0f, il::io, rd, cusparse_handle);
  il::CudaArray<float> pd{rd};
  // delta = rd.rd
  float delta = il::dot(rd, rd, il::io, cublas_handle);
  il::CudaArray<float> Apd{n};

  for (il::int_t i = 0; i < nb_iteration; ++i) {
    // Apd = Ad.pd
    il::blas(1.0f, Ad, pd, 0.0f, il::io, Apd, cusparse_handle);
    const float alpha = delta / il::dot(pd, Apd, il::io, cublas_handle);
    // xd += alpha.pd
    il::blas(alpha, pd, 1.0f, il::io, xd, cublas_handle);
    // rd -= alpha.Apd
    il::blas(-alpha, Apd, 1.0f, il::io, rd, cublas_handle);
    const float beta = il::dot(rd, rd, il::io, cublas_handle);
    std::printf("Iteration: %3li,   Error: %7.3e\n", i, std::sqrt(beta));
    if (beta < tolerance * tolerance) {
    // pd = rd + (beta / delta) * pd
    il::blas(1.0f, rd, beta / delta, il::io, pd, cublas_handle);
    delta = beta;

  return 0;

This conjugate gradient method with a 27 000 000 x 27 000 000 matrix containing 7 elements per row, takes the following time for 10 iterations:

Device Time (float)
Dual-Xeon E5-2660, 2x14 cores, Broadwell 0.827 s
NVidia Titan X Pascal 0.145 s


We also provide a string that can store unicode string using UTF-8. It can store any well-formed UTF-8 string:

#include <iostream>

#include <il/String.h>
#include <il/unicode.h>

int main() {
  il::String name = u8"François ";
  std::cout << name.asCString() << std::endl;

  return 0;

Such a program prints

François 😁

This object is implemented using small string optimization: when the string uses less than 23 bytes, it will be stored on the stack. Larger strings are stored on the heap.

Hash Table

We provide a hash table implemented using open addressing and quadratic probing. This hash table has better performance than the one provided by the standard library std::unordered_map. An open addressing hash table is made of an array of (key, value) pairs of length nb_slot. The key type must exhibit 2 special values known as empty_key and tombstone_key which are forbidden to use. When no (key, value) are inserted in the hash table, all the keys are set to empty_key to mark the slot as empty. When you want to insert a (key, value) pair, the table hashes the key and produce an integer which is reduced modulo nb_slot. If the corresponding slot is empty, the (key, value) pair is stored here. Otherwise (in this case, we have what is called a collision), it steps to the next slot (modulo nb_slot) and checks if it is empty. If it is, the (key, value) pair is stored here. Otherwise, it makes 2 steps and check if this slot is empty. In case it is not, it makes 3 steps, etc. Until it finds a valid slot that we call i.

To insert a (key, value) pair into a hash table, we need to make sure that the key is not already present in the hash table. So we search for it. The method search returns a valid slot i if it is found or some information on where to construct the (key, value) pair if it is not found. In the second case, all you need is to call insert using this information.

#include <il/String.h>
#include <il/Map.h>

void addEuropeanCountry(il::Map<il::String, il::int_t>& population) {
  il::String country = "France";
  il::int_t n = 64806269;
  il::int_t i =;
  if (!population.found(i)) {
    population.insert(country, n, il::io, i);
  country = "Germany";
  n = 80219695;
  i =;
  if (!population.found(i)) {
    population.insert(country, n, il::io, i);

In order to display the information for the population, for a given country you first need to search the hash table for this country to make sure it is present. Then, you can display the associated value. You can use the following code to display the population of a country with the previous hash table:

#include <il/String.h>
#include <il/Map.h>

void printPopulationCountry(
    const il::Map<il::String, il::int_t>& population,
    const il::String& country) {
  il::int_t i =;
  if (population.found(i)) {
    std::printf("The population of %s is %td\n", country.asCString(),
  } else {
    std::printf("I don't know the population of %s\n", country.asCString());

In terms of performance, this Map is better than both the std::unordered_map provided by the standard library. It is even faster than Google dense hash map even though it implements exactly the same algorithm. In order to test the performance of the hash table, we generated 50 000 000 random numbers in between 0 and 2^62 which we used as a key for a Map<il::int_t, il::int_t> that we filled with a corresponding value of 0. Then we searched the values for every single keys, in the same order as they were inserted. The same hash function (hash(k) = k) was used for all those tables. We obtained the following timings:

Hash table Time insertion Time selection
il::Map<il::int_t, il::int_t> 3.89 s 1.63 s
google_dense_hash_map<il::int_t, il::int_t> 4.75 s 2.24 s
std::unordered_map<il::int_t, il::int_t> 30.71 s 5.44 s

As you can see, the difference in between the first 2 hash tables (open adressing with quadratic probing) and the one available in the C++ standard library is significant because the algorithms are differents. The difference in between the two open addressing hash tables with quadratic probing is an implementation difference and differs from compiler to compiler, but the InsideLoop version is always faster with gcc, clang and intel compilers.

Dynamic value

The type il::Dynamic can hold any of the following types:

  • null type
  • bool
  • il::int_t
  • double
  • il::String
  • il::Array<il::Dynamic>
  • il::Map<il::String, il::Dynamic>

Constructors are available for all these types

// The default constructor creates a null type
il::Dynamic a{};

// The dynamic object b contains a bool
il::Dynamic b = true;

// The dynamic object c contains an integer
il::Dynamic c = 45;

// The dynamic object d contains a double
il::Dynamic d = 3.14159;

// The dynamic object e contains an il::String
il::Dynamic e = "Hello world!";

// The dynamic object f contains an empty il::Array<il::Dynamic>
il::Dynamic f{il::Type::kArray};

// The dynamic object g contains an empty il::Map<il::String, il::Dynamic>
il::Dynamic f{il::Type::kMap};

At runtime, one can query the type of an il::Dynamic object a with the method type() which returns an il::Type. One can also check if a is of a given type with the methods isNull(), isBool(), isInteger(), isDouble(), isString(), isArray() and isMap(). Once you know the type, you can extract the value from a dynamic object with the methods toBool(), toInteger(), toDouble(), asString(), asArray, asMap(). The methods starting with to returns a value whereas the methods starting with as returns a reference. For instance, here is a function that takes a dynamic object and and prints its value if it holds a numeric type:

void f(const il::Dynamic& a) {
  if (a.isInteger()) {
    il::int_t i = a.toInteger();
    std::cout << i << std::endl;
  } else if (a.isDouble()) {
    double x = a.toDouble();
    std::cout << x << std::endl;

This function append the integer 3 to a if it represents an array

void f(il::io_t, il::Dynamic& a) {
  if (a.isArray()) {
    il::Array<il::Dynamic>& array = a.asArray();

TOML support

TOML is a standard for configuration file. We'll use the following file saved as config.toml for our short tutorial.

# Configuration file for FAST

name = "Injection scenario"
nb_cells = 1_000_000

density = 1_000.0           # The density is in kg.m^(-3)
compressibility = 5.1e-10   # The compressibility is in Pa^(-1)

Here is the C++ program to parse and get the data. The object config is a hash map containing 3 items with the keys: name, nb_cells and water. The value corresponding to name is a string, the one for nb_cells is an integer and the one for water is another hash map. If there is a parsing error, the object status should contain a message with the line and the reason for that error.

#include <il/Toml.h>

int main() {
  il::String filename = "/home/fayard/Desktop/config.toml";
  il::Status status{};
  auto config =
      il::load<il::MapArray<il::String, il::Dynamic>>(filename, il::io, status);
  // get the name
  il::String name{};
  il::int_t i ="name");
  if (config.found(i) && config.value(i).isString()) {
    name = config.value(i).asString();
  // get the number of cells
  il::int_t nb_cells;
  i ="nb_cells");
  if (config.found(i) && config.value(i).isInteger()) {
    nb_cells = config.value(i).toInteger();
  // get the property of the water
  double density;
  double compressibility;
  i ="water");
  if (config.found(i) && config.value(i).isMapArray()) {
    const il::MapArray<il::String, il::Dynamic>& water =
    il::int_t j ="density");
    if (water.found(j) && water.value(j).isDouble()) {
      density = water.value(j).toDouble();
    j ="compressibility");
    if (water.found(j) && water.value(j).isDouble()) {
      compressibility = water.value(j).toDouble();

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Language:C++ 96.9%Language:CMake 1.0%Language:Python 0.9%Language:Objective-C 0.6%Language:C 0.5%