CalcPad is a different take on the calculator.
Runs on linux, mac, and windows.
Download the latest release for your platform.
There's a slightly simpler web version here.
It doesn't do any kind of file handling or http requests, as everything is stored using the browser's LocalStorage.
It works ok on phones, and you can install it as a PWA.
Since the app is fully offline, you can simply either download the latest built files, or build them yourself with npm build-web
- the files will be in the docs/
Alternatively you can use shmup's redbean build.
- Autocomplete with
- Multiple selections with
- Find & replace with
1 + 1
10 / .3
2 ^ 3
(10 + 5) / 7
salary = 100k
tax = 33
salaryAfterTax = tax% off salary
1 billion
1 foot in meters
1 cup in tbs
All supported units here.
10% of 100
10% off 100
10% on 100
E / 2
PI * 3
money = 5k
tax = money > 5k ? 15 : 10
total = tax% off money
All supported functions:
abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos exp floor log max min pow random round sin sqrt tan
# a comment
In the menu Edit -> Edit functions file, you can declare any javascript function
that will become available to the editor itself.
You must restart CalcPad after
editing that file for the changes to come into effect.