filipekiss / idle.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


this is an experimental package, built to suit my personal needs. use at your own discretion

idle.nvim is a minimal neovim configuration framework built on top of lazy.nvim.

how it works

it adds some quality of life things to make customizing nvim a bit more pleasant. this is mainly used to power my personal setup, just bundled as a plugin for convenience.

  • for example, with the default options, it will automatically require some files in lua/user/ folder (the files will be loaded in this order):
  • lua/user/options.lua
  • lua/user/keymaps.lua
  • lua/user/autocmds.lua
  • lua/user/commands.lua

global Idle object

After idle.nvim is initialized, it sets up a global Idle object with some helper functions and some configuration properties

-- _G.Idle is read-only and has the following defaults
		namespace = "user", -- the folder where to load modules from
		options = {}, -- the options passed during Idle#setup
		load = function(name)
            wrapper around Idle#safe_require that loads modules from the folder
            located at lua/<namespace>/<module>.
            e.g.: if `Idle.namespace` is `user`, calling `Idle.load("functions")` is
            the same as `Idle.safe_require("user.functions")`
		has_plugin = function(plugin_name)
        -- checks if `plugin_name` is installed
		safe_require = function(module, opts)
        -- wrapper around pcall to safely load modules that might not exist


Besides the helpers in the global object, there are some other helpers that can be required to make things easier to write.


local M = {}

M.autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd

function M.augroup(name, clear)
	-- used to create an augroup that you pass in the `group` options of
    -- `vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd`
    -- if you pass clear = true, the augroup will clear any previous autocmd in
    -- that group. default is false

function M.create_user_autocmd(pattern, opts)
    -- wrapper around vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd for User commands

function M.exec_user_autocmd(pattern, opts)
    -- wrapper around vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmd for User commands

return M


require("idle").setup {
	-- colorscheme can be a string with the colorscheme name or a function that
	-- will load the colorscheme use this after adding the coloscheme specs to
	-- your configuration
	colorscheme = "habamax",
	-- the name of the folder where your custom config files are located. Default
	-- value is `user` and will require modules from `lua/user`
	namespace = "user",
	-- the files that will be loaded from the namespace folder above. They will be
	-- loaded in this order.
	source = {
	-- enable idle.nvim debug mode
	debug = false,

things i wanna do

  • watch lua/user/* files and reload and apply them when they are saved



Language:Lua 100.0%