filhodanuvem / gitql

💊 A git query language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

feature request:publish windows build binary

pedoc opened this issue · comments



Hey @pedoc , for now we don't publish an executable binary because gitql has a dynamic dependency . Maybe the best solution would be change that to a static one. If you have some suggestion in how to solve that problem I would appreciate that.


hi,thanks u reply.
another option is that if the project can be successfully compiled in msys2 or cygwin (etc.), it is also feasible, but I have tried it, unfortunately, not working.

i am happy to help solve the compilation problem, but I am lacking enough go-lang experience, i am C#er

Hey @pedoc, thank you for your availablity. Can restart all the installation process?
@budden is helping us with windows support and maybe he can help you if it still not working here #79.
We created a new release right now and base on it I will close this proposal.