filecoin-project / lassie

A minimal universal retrieval client library for IPFS and Filecoin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`Retrieval failure from indexer: context canceled` when successful but _fast_

rvagg opened this issue · comments

Testing out some http failures from that now seem to be passing, I'm guessing related to web3-storage/freeway#87 where the content hasn't quite been pushed out to the caching layer. But this is interesting behaviour from lassie:

go run ./cmd/lassie/ fetch -p --protocols http bafybeihmqcb3kjyib3jed5cudpvfyf7ydquh4rjykma34qxnmj6von66d4/6762.png
... [gobs of indexer candidates, repeating only 2 peer IDs many many times, one for bitswap and one for http (w3s)]
Received 9 blocks / 1.4 MiB...
Fetched [bafybeihmqcb3kjyib3jed5cudpvfyf7ydquh4rjykma34qxnmj6von66d4] from [QmUA9D3H7HeCYsirB3KmPSvZh3dNXMZas6Lwgr4fv1HTTp]:
        Duration: 560.943093ms
          Blocks: 9
           Bytes: 1.4 MiB
Retrieval failure from indexer: context canceled

This happened after running it a couple of times, note how fast the download is, so this is super speedy now it's cached in CF from, and I think lassie trips over itself and we get a context cancellation in the indexer streaming results that we count as an actual failure. But we got the data we wanted, and it validated, so should be an overall success.