filecoin-project / devgrants

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Next Step Microgrant: Saturn Observatory

31z4 opened this issue Β· comments

1. What is your project, and what problem does it solve? (max 100 words)

The goal of this project is to increase the transparency of πŸͺ Filecoin Saturn network.

We use historical data about the network gathered by πŸŒ– Saturn Moonlet to prepare and publish analytical reports on Saturn Observatory website every month.

Saturn Observatory compliments official tools like Saturn Node Dashboard and Saturn Explorer, aiming to provide better insights into the network state and performance.

2. Project links

Link to Github repo:
Link to demo or website:
License: MIT

3. a) How is IPFS, Filecoin, or related technology used in this project?

  • Raw data that is used to generate the reports for Saturn Observatory gets stored on IPFS and Filecoin using
  • To perform the actual analysis we run a Bacalhau job that uses DuckDB to execute a bunch of SQL queries on the input CSV data that we previously pinned to IPFS.
  • Moving forward, we're going to use Lilypad to run the analysis. We already made a couple of PRs (one, two, three) with a custom DuckDB module. But, by the time of writing the module is not yet available on Lilypad testnet.

b) Is this project building with the current microgrants focus area (FVM)? (Yes or No)

No, not directly. But it's going to use Lilypad which uses FVM.

4. How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective?

Number Grant Deliverable Briefly describe how you will meet deliverable objectives Timeframe (within 3 months)
1. Improve website UX Split to subpages, add navigation menu, handle CSV loading errors, etc. 2 weeks
2. Accelerate CSV data using Saturn We used to use Saturn browser client on the website, but replaced it with self hosting CSV when Saturn private beta launched. We're going to participate in private beta and use Saturn again on the website. 2 days
3. Use Lilypad to generate reports Implement custom DuckDB module for Lilypad. Replace Bacalhau with Lilypad for analytical computations. 2 weeks
4. Auto generate reports every week Setup GitHub actions to auto generate reports and publish them on the website every week. Right now the process is mostly manual and done every month. 2 weeks
5. Implement new reports Add new reports based on community feedback. E.g., top performing nodes, top growing regions, node churn, node health issues, etc. 2 weeks

5. If accepted, do you agree to share monthly project updates in this Github issue for 3 months or until the project described here is complete?

Yes I do.

6. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

Yes it does.

7. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • How did you learn about our microgrant program?
    • During a hackathon
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:

Hi @31z4 - Are you still interested in working on this?

We'd like to accept it but would ask that you use CoopHive which is a fork of Lilypad. They are currently finalizing deployment but recommend anyone planning to use CoopHive to start off by building Bacalhau jobs and making sure they run there:

Hi @eshon yes I'm still interested in working on Saturn Observatory. Just a few comments from my side:

  1. Yes I think it's definitely possible to adapt CoopHive instead of Lilypad. I'm already pretty familiar with building and running Bacalhau jobs.
  2. I'm currently busy with another project that I'll finish by April. I'll be ready to start working on Saturn Observatory on April 10. Does that work for you?

Awesome! What's our next steps?


@31z4 Can you set a calendar reminder to touch base again here in early April and we can get your grant processed so you can start work April 10?

Sure, I'll be in touch.

Hi @eshon as we agreed earlier I'm letting you know that I'm happy to start working on the project around April 10 ☺️

Hi @31z4, thank you for the update! I have sent you an email with instructions regarding next steps. This issue has been closed, but please feel welcome to include project updates to this thread.

If you have any follow up questions, please contact our team at