fiery-phoenix / dbunit-data-support

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Java API to build and populate tables data sets for dbunit (*not a unique implementation of the idea).

The starting point for tables data creation and storing is DbUnitDataUtils class.

To work with tables it is required to implement ConnectionAwareTable interface, which returns information about table name, columns and connection required to update data in database:

String getName();
Column[] getColumns();
IDatabaseConnection getConnection();

There could be used enum for this, for example:

public enum TasksTables implements ConnectionAwareTable {

    USERS("USERS", Users.getColumns()),
    LISTS("LISTS", Lists.getColumns()),

    private final String name;
    private final Column[] columns;

    TasksTables(String name, Column[] columns) { = name;
        this.columns = columns;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Column[] getColumns() {
        return Arrays.copyOf(columns, columns.length);

    public IDatabaseConnection getConnection() {
        return ConnectionUtils.getConnection();


public interface Users {

    Column ID = new Column("ID", BIGINT);
    Column LOGIN = new GeneratableColumn<>("LOGIN", VARCHAR, sequence("test"));
    Column NAME = new GeneratableColumn<>("NAME", VARCHAR, constant("Test"));

    static Column[] getColumns() {
        return new Column[]{ID, LOGIN, NAME};


Supported features

  • Clean tables using

    deleteFrom(USERS, LISTS, TASKS, ...);
  • Create and populate data sets using insert and cleanInsert methods with

    • row builder notation

      insert(USERS, row().with(ID, 1).with(LOGIN, "kit").with(NAME, "Sophi"),
              row().with(ID, 2).with(LOGIN, "gray").with(NAME, "Shellena"),
              row().with(ID, 3).with(LOGIN, "pawel").with(NAME, "Pawel Dou"));
    • columns builder notation

      insert(USERS, columns(ID, LOGIN, NAME)
              .values(1, "kit", "Sophi")
              .values(2, "gray", "Shellena")
              .values(3, "pawel", "Pawel Dou"));
  • Minor features

    • template row

      RowBuilder template = row().with(NAME, "Test");
      insert(USERS, row(template).with(ID, 1).with(LOGIN, "kit");
    • repeated row

      • row builder notation

        cleanInsert(USERS, row().with(NAME, "Shellena").times(4));
      • columns builder notation

        cleanInsert(USERS, columns(NAME).repeatingValues("Shellena").times(4));
  • Generated values

    Quite often there are mandatory columns, which are irrelevant for tests, or can be populated by some rule. To avoid specifying value for each row, there could be used auto generated values. ValueGenerator implementations are responsible for returning next column value as required. For default implementations please refer to ValueGenerators class.

    • values generation present in table description

    GeneratableColumn class extends Column with ValueGenerator which will be used when column value is not specified. LOGIN column from the example below will be populated with values "test1", "test2", "test3" and so on, whenever it is not set directly, and will also meet unique constraint.

      Column LOGIN = new GeneratableColumn<>("LOGIN", VARCHAR, ValueGenerators.sequence("test"));
    • values generation passed to [template] row definition or columns definition

      RowBuilder template = row().withGenerated(ID, sequence()).withGenerated(LOGIN, sequence("login"));
      row().withGenerated(ID, sequence(5, 5)).withGenerated(LOGIN, sequence("login")).times(10);
      .withGenerated(ID, sequence(5, 2))
      .withGenerated(LOGIN, sequence("login"));
  • Assertions

    To check table data there could be used table assertions from For now there are available table size and comparison with another table assertions.

    TableBuilder expectedTable = table(
                    row().with(LOGIN, "l2"),
                    row().with(LOGIN, "l1")

Upcoming features

  • More options for values generators (add random value generators, for example).
  • For now there is support only for ConnectionAwareTable, need to change this

Some ideas

  • Snapshot of data sets in different formats
  • Assertions?
  • Provide API for JBehave
  • Idea convenience plugin for formatting and so on
  • Switch to more general table creation API (which could be effectively used not only for dbunit tables)?



Language:Java 100.0%