fidler-lab / polyrnn-pp-pytorch

PyTorch training/tool code for Polygon-RNN++ (CVPR 2018)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error in loading file at

CSYslient opened this issue · comments

@ amlankar,hi,I had a problem preparing the json file,Could you help me find out what the problem is?
My input instructions are as follows:python Scripts/data/ --city_dir /home/csy/polyrnnpp-pytorch/cityscapes/leftImg8bit --json_dir /home/csy/polyrnnpp-pytorch/cityscapes/gtFine --out_dir /home/csy/polyrnnpp-pytorch/json_out
2019-06-25 17-07-03屏幕截图

Thank you
Appreciative for your reply.

There are my command lines that running the backent and frontent separately:
python --exp ../Experiments/tool.json --reload ggnn_epoch5_step14000.pth --port 5001 --image_dir Tool/frontend/static/img/
python -m http.server

when I upload the picture, I meet a problem: - - [26/Jun/2019 17:14:10] "OPTIONS /upload_v2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [26/Jun/2019 17:14:11] "POST /upload_v2 HTTP/1.1" 500 -
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system could not find the specified path: 'Tool/frontend/static/img/'

@qianxi0617 please run the code from the top level directory. i.e. python Tool/ ....

From the Tool directory, the path Tool/frontend/static/img is not reachable

@CSYslient looks like your json_dir is incorrect. Please point json_dir to the data that is downloaded with our package (our modified json files have GT made specifically for polyrnn training)

@ amlankar,hi,I have modified the path of the json file and the above problem still occurs.The instruction I typed in was : python Scripts/data/ --city_dir G:\polyrnn-pp-pytorch\code\DataProvider\leftImg8bit_trainvaltest\leftImg8bit --json_dir G:\polyrnn-pp-pytorch\data\cityscapes_final_v5 --out_dir G:\polyrnn-pp-pytorch\data\output
Thank you
Appreciative for your reply