fidian / ansi

ANSI escape codes in pure bash - change text color, position the cursor, much more

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bash: shift: shift count out of range

adamsmd opened this issue · comments

When ansi is called with no arguments other than flags, it prints an error.

For example:

$ ansi --report-position
bash: shift: shift count out of range

(Was is tested with Bash version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) on Ubuntu 20.10.)

Proposed Solution



Line 1603 in 225a28e

shift || :

shift 2> /dev/null || :

I can not get the error to happen. I am also using Ubuntu 20.10 with the same version of Bash. I've even written a simple script to see if I can trigger the behavior and can not.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
shift || :
set -e
shift || :
set -E
shift || :
set -u
shift || :
set -o pipefail
shift || :

I don't know what is different between our environments.

I think it would be better to not call shift if there are no arguments, so I propose a different solution.

diff --git a/ansi b/ansi
index a8602bd..5655743 100755
--- a/ansi
+++ b/ansi
@@ -1600,9 +1600,9 @@ ansi() {
     printf '%s' "${1-}"
-    shift || :
-    if [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; then
+    if [[ "$#" -gt 1 ]]; then
+        shift || :
         printf "${IFS:0:1}%s" "${@}"

This will move the shift inside of the check to see if there's more arguments. Also note that we change the number of required arguments from 0 to 1.

Please let me know if this change eliminates the problem. Plus, I would be very interested to know your settings using two commands. Here is what I have for mine.

$ echo "$-"
$ set +o
set +o allexport
set -o braceexpand
set -o emacs
set +o errexit
set +o errtrace
set +o functrace
set -o hashall
set -o histexpand
set -o history
set +o ignoreeof
set -o interactive-comments
set +o keyword
set -o monitor
set +o noclobber
set +o noexec
set +o noglob
set +o nolog
set +o notify
set +o nounset
set +o onecmd
set +o physical
set +o pipefail
set +o posix
set +o privileged
set +o verbose
set +o vi
set +o xtrace

If this works for you and the errors are removed, I'll tag this as the next release.

Thank you very much for taking the time to report and diagnose this issue. I really appreciate it.

It seems there was one more precondition to triggering this error that I hadn't realized. The call to ansi must be a call to the ansi function defined by your script, not a call to the script itself. So something like the following is required:

$ source ./ansi
$ ansi --report-position
bash: shift: shift count out of range

Regardless, I have confirmed that your commit has fixed the issue.

It is probably moot, but here are the shell settings you asked for.

$ echo "$-"
$ set +o
set +o allexport
set -o braceexpand
set -o emacs
set +o errexit
set +o errtrace
set +o functrace
set -o hashall
set -o histexpand
set -o history
set -o ignoreeof
set -o interactive-comments
set +o keyword
set -o monitor
set +o noclobber
set +o noexec
set +o noglob
set +o nolog
set +o notify
set +o nounset
set +o onecmd
set +o physical
set +o pipefail
set +o posix
set +o privileged
set +o verbose
set +o vi
set +o xtrace

Very interesting, thank you for sharing your settings. I couldn't replicate it, but I am quite happy that it works for you. Tagged version 3.0.1. I appreciate your help for closing this bug.