fictorial / oplog-db

Append only operations log for a JavaScript object persistence

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a operations log reader/writer that forms the basis of simple JavaScript object persistence.

The idea is that your application has a number of JavaScript objects that you mutate over time in the form of "operations".

For object persistence, this package writes the operations to a local append-only file. On startup, the operations are parsed and replayed to recreate the same local database.

Appending to the log file is very fast, 10000 operations per second or so on an old Macbook Pro. Reading the oplog on startup is also fast but is dependent on the number and size of the operations.

You can always snapshot the data to a single JSON file but for larger amounts of data, this causes a large amount of memory to be used.

You are relegated to a single process for access or need some other form of locking should you need to access the log from multiple processes.

Your data must be JSON-encodable.

All objects are bucketed into collections. Each object must have a unique id within that collection.


Append only operations log for a JavaScript object persistence


Language:JavaScript 100.0%