fholger / vrperfkit

VR Performance Toolkit

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Upscale and foveated rendering doesn't work at the same time?

CSOCSO-FL opened this issue · comments

Hey. I wanted to give this a try. I play Asetto Corsa ( regular, not the competizione)
I turned on FSR upscale ( I tried NIS also) and foveated rendering and while upscale is on it doesn't matter what ring sizes I set for the fov. rendering nothing changes in debug mode. Upscale does work and I get more fps. It also has it's own (single) ring where everything outside of it gets blurry. I turned off upscaling and fov. Rendering worked immediately. I do use Virtual desktop (steam vr) but separately both work. I also tried to use In game upscaling with vrperfkit fov. rendering and also tried manually installing the openvr.dll to use openXR and used upscaling from vrperfkit and fov. rendering in openxr but none of this is working together. ( I know it's not intended....)