ffevotte / desktop-plus

desktop+: extensions to Emacs' standard desktop library

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Open desktop session by name from command line?

patrickkidd opened this issue · comments

Hello! Excellent package you've done. Is there a way to load a desktop session by name form the command line? Something like:

emacs --eval "(desktop-load my-session-name)"

I am no lisp expert.


Something like this should work:

emacs --eval '(desktop-load "my-session-name")'

However, you need double quotes around the eval argument if you want to use it in a shell function which takes a desktop session file name as its argument. Repeating here my suggested solution from the StackOverflow thread:

emd () {
   cd $HOME/Sites/"$1" &&
   emacs --eval "(progn (require 'desktop+) (desktop-load \"$1-desktop-name\"))" &

Yes, this is the correct way to wrap it inside a shell function.
Like I said in the StackOverflow thread, requireing the package isn't necessary (as desktop-load is autoloaded), but it doesn't hurt either.

This has all worked well for me. I'm looking forward to the day when I am in one emacs session 100%, but this will be great in the meantime.

Thanks again for the great package.