ffalt / aufschreib

classify tweets & generate statistics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is my playground for learning to use node js as a server and build svg charts with d3. It's not tested on production server, so be warned.

What it should do:

a) A node js http server for classifying tweets by humans in a browser.

b) With these classifications train a Bayesian classifier.

c) Produce some statistical representations based on it.

And why?

In January/February 2013 (mostly german speaking) women on Twitter started to post personal stories of experienced sexism and harassment under the hashtag #aufschrei (#outcry). Soon many more people where using the hashtag to post opinions, links, troll comments, spam. I want to analyze this large amount of tweets and maybe contribute the results (if any usefull) to the aufschreiStat project.

##Current state in words

The result data is NOT RELIABLE! yet.


##Current state in pictures

See yourself


http://nodejs.org/ http://bower.io/ http://www.mongodb.org/

run npm install in root folder to install the required node.js-packages run bower install in /static/ to install the required client side js-packages


0. Prepare Config File

Copy "config.dist.js" and rename it to "config.js"

now change the connection details to your settings

const mongo_settings = {
	"hostname": "localhost",
	"port": 27017,
	"username": "aufschreib",
	"password": "ohsosecret",
	"name": "aufschreib",
	"db": "aufschreib"

2. Prepare

Put your base JSON file named "tweets.json" into the /data/ folder

used format of a tweet must be the same twitter uses

	"created_at": "Thu, 31 Jan 2013 18:22:47 +0000",
	"id_str": "297047589672343473",
	"source": "<a href="http://client.url/">Client</a>",
	"text": "Some Tweet text with #hashtags, @usernames and http/https-links",
	"user": {
		"profile_image_url": "http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/nr/some.png",
		"screen_name": "TwitterUser"

or implement another in file "prepare.js"

3. Edit Categories (optional)

Edit "consts.js"

const cats = [
	id: 'outcry',
	name: 'Aufschrei',
	icon: 'icon-bullhorn',
	color: '#5e8c6A'

if you edit the categories you need to set the parameter for the Bayesian filter, too.

'Specify the classification thresholds for each category. To classify an item in a category with a threshold of x the probably that item is in the category has to be more than x times the probability that it's in any other category. Default value is 1.' Source

const thresholds = {
	spam: 3,
	troll: 2,
	report: 2,
	comment: 1,
	outcry: 1

3. Longify Urls (optional)

run in \bin

node "longifyurls.js"

expand twitters short urls (t.co) through http://www.longurlplease.com/ expanded urls will then be checked for other short urls services, too.

a file "urls.json" with the expanded urls will be created and used

4. Prepare Script (mandatory!)

run in \bin

node "prepare.js"

collections are created and data is filled aaaaaaandddddd wait until the process finishes

5. Server

We're nearly there

Edit "config.js" if you want to change where to access the server

const server_settings = {
	listento: '',
	port: 8081

now run

node "app.js"

and open the adress with your browser

e.g. http://localhost:8081/

default username is: admin

password is: totalsupergehaim

Happy classifing!


classify tweets & generate statistics


Language:JavaScript 96.8%Language:CSS 3.2%