ffalcinelli / pydivert

A Python binding for WinDivert driver

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Can the packet captured be converted for use by Scapy?

SGtOriginal opened this issue · comments

Probably a stupid question since I asked without any research but is it possible to convert the packet output for editing with scapy? I feel like scapy is a bit more friendly with packet editing.

pydivert packet can be converted to scapy IP layer using the following code:

from scapy.layers.inet import IP

def convert_to_scapy(packet: pydivert.Packet) -> IP:
    converts scapy packet to scapy IP layer
    return IP(bytes(packet.ipv4.raw))

if you want to send the packet using scapy, make sure to correctly format the Ethernet layer (mac@ of dst and src) and choose the right network interface.