ff6347 / redux-and-rest

Making API calls with redux

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Redux & Rest

This is an example on how to create your own middleware for Redux that allows you to make async requests to a REST API. It is based on this article "A simplified approach to calling APIs with redux" by Soham Kamani. The original article was meant for usage with the React library. For a project here [AT] IXDS we stripped out the React part and made it a Vanilla-JS project. Follow the article and the code comments to understand the project.

The important files for you are client/lib/middleware.js and client/lib/requests.js these hold the main functionality that defines the middleware to make async XMLHttpRequest.


The repository is split into two parts. The folder client which holds the client side code with Redux as the only dependency. And the server folder which provides a simple REST API written with Express.js and some additional packages.

On the client side we are using the parcel-bundler package to bundle or frontend and on the server side we are using Typescript and nodemon for development. If you don't want to use Typescript no problem. Just edit the files on server/lib instead of server/src.


We recommend using a package manager like Homebrew, Chocolatey or one of the many managers for your linux distro.

First Run

To give you a first impression we prepared some scripts in the root package.json of this repo. Just run the following commands to set this up and start the client and the server (this is without Typescript support).

npm install
npm run bootstrap
npm start

Point your browser at http://localhost:1234 and open the developer console. You can also open another browser window at http://localhost:3000 to see if your REST API is running and get all entries of the local filesystem store. Under http://localhost:3000/get-all (Keep in mind if you are running on a fresh install this might be empty).

  • Type some text into the textarea and hit the "POST Item" button to add something to the data store.
  • Press the "GET All" button to retrieve all items in the storage of the API.

The available routes for the API are:

Type URL Comment
GET localhost:3000 returns a status
GET localhost:3000/get-all returns all items
GET localhost:3000/get/:id Id must exist
POST localhost:3000/add With a body schema like this {} (you can define an id: String)

Deep Dive

If you want to dive deeper and play with the project we suggest running two separate shells in the folders client and server. On the client npm start runs the parcel development server in port 1234. On the server you have some more options.

For writing Typescript with nodemon run and edit the files in src/ (Note that the npm-script used is only tested on MacOS. It uses a | for running nodemon and tsc in parallel. That might create problems in Windows):

npm run dev

For writing Javascript with nodemon run and edit the files in lib/ (Note that running the Typescript compiler later on will overwrite your .js files in lib):

npm start


Making API calls with redux

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 71.0%Language:TypeScript 14.2%Language:HTML 8.8%Language:Shell 6.1%