fetchcord / FetchCord

FetchCord grabs your OS info and displays it as Discord Rich Presence

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Motherboard not detected.

ohamzie opened this issue · comments

Debug info

"~ » fetchcord --debug

OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 5.14.12-arch1-1
Uptime: 15 hours, 45 mins
Packages: 898 (pacman), 5 (flatpak)
Shell: zsh 5.8
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
WM: i3
Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
Icons: breeze-dark [GTK2/3]
Terminal: alacritty
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.200GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590
Memory: 3095MiB / 15935MiB
Disk (/): 177G / 954G (19%)
KeyError: 'Font:'KeyError: 'Font:'KeyError: 'Host:'

uptime in epoch: 1634439760.0
cpuid: 740476198437650473
cpuappid: 740752899054895105
termappid: 741291339945345045
KeyError: 'Host:'
898 (pacman), 5 (flatpak)

KeyError: 'DE:'
deid: n/a
wmid: i3
wmline item 0: i3


fontline: Font: N/A
termid: 741291339945345045
termline item 0: alacritty
themeline: Breeze [GTK2/3]
KeyError: 'Host:'

----GPU INFO----

gpuinfo: Radeon RX 580 Series
gpuvendor: amd

----CPU INFO----

cpuvendor: amd
cpumodel: Ryzen 7
cpuinfo: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.200GHz
cpuline item 0: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.200GHz
memline: 3095MiB / 15935MiB

----OS INFO----

sysosline: Arch Linux x86_64
sysosid: 740476198437650473
diskline: /): 177G / 954G (19%)
packagesline item 0: 898 (pacman), 5 (flatpak)


deid: n/a
wmid: i3


termid: 741291339945345045
shellid: zsh

----HOST INFO----

hostid: 742887089179197462

----GPU INFO----

gpuvendor: amd

----CPU INFO----

cpumodel: Ryzen 7

('DEFAULT', <Section: DEFAULT>)
('cycle_0', <Section: cycle_0>)
('cycle_1', <Section: cycle_1>)
('cycle_2', <Section: cycle_2>)
('cycle_3', <Section: cycle_3>)
KeyError: 'Host:'
Unknown motherboard, contact us on github to resolve this.
Value: host: n/a
cycle0 not in : True
try_connect(key="cycle0") on <pypresence.presence.Presence object at 0x7f5dee983730>
RPC connection refused (is Discord open?); trying again in 30 seconds"

OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 5.14.12-arch1-1
Uptime: 15 hours, 46 mins
Packages: 898 (pacman), 5 (flatpak)
Shell: zsh 5.8
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
WM: i3
Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
Icons: breeze-dark [GTK2/3]
Terminal: alacritty
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.200GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590
Memory: 3055MiB / 15935MiB

Requested item

Please add support for the Asus B350-F gaming motherboard.
Thank you! ~

Unknown Motherboard* Sorry.