feross / thanks

🙌 Give thanks to the open source maintainers you depend on! ✨

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Was this inspired from symfony/thanks ?

OwlyCode opened this issue · comments

Hi there !

This project reminds me of https://github.com/symfony/thanks . Was it inspired from it ? If so it should thank it !

Great job bringing thanks to the npm world !

Nope, I hadn't heard of symfony/thanks before making this project.

I chose the name thanks because @mafintosh, @Karissa, and a few other friends of mine started a project to share wifi passwords that we never shipped. It was gonna be called thanks. Actually the repo is still online, lol: https://github.com/moose-team/thanks

When brainstorming names for this, my friend @dcposch actually suggested thanks and then I asked @mafintosh to let me use it, and he kindly obliged :)