fergiemcdowall / norch

A search server that can be installed with npm

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No contact with norch, is cors turned on?

eklem opened this issue · comments

Cors is turned on by default, isn't it? But how do I set it now to something different? Not from command line any more?

Yes, CORS is turned on by default (so one Norch is accessible everywhere).

Having thought about it though, there should definitely be a way to fine tune CORS. Possibly the most robust way to implement this is to have a generic option for setting http headers.

Strange... I just upgraded to 8.5 (from 8.3 or something) and now I can't get contact with it through http://domainname:3030/, only through localhost

Hmm- do you get an error message?

No, totally silent.

OK- going to have a look at this tomorrow

I'm testing here a little too. Checking which versions it was working on. v0.8.1 was fine =)

It fails on v0.8.2

Installed v0.8.5 and remove , '' from this line and it works again:

Not sure what that line does, so not submitting a PR.

Tested on the server as well. Both http://localhost:3030/ and in addition to what I was trying to fix: http://oppskrift.klemespen.com:3030/

I'll make a PR =)