fengwenjiao / netstorm

NetStorm: Accelerating Geo-distributed Machine Learning with Network-Aware Adaptive Tree and Auxiliary Route

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The rapid evolution of large-scale AI training has significantly stretched the computational, communication, and storage requirements of distributed machine learning systems, particularly when deployed over WANs. These systems face critical communication bottlenecks due to network constraints such as bandwidth scarcity, heterogeneity, dynamics, and frequent large-model data exchanges, negatively impacting overall training efficiency. Although previous studies have investigated topology optimization, transitioning from a star topology to various tree variants, these solutions show limited knowledge about network resource availability, making their rigid and static structures fail to adapt to network heterogeneity and changes.

NetStorm is an topology-adaptive and communication-efficient system designed for geo-distributed machine learning training. NetStorm realizes an optimized R-rooted FAPT topology, designed specifically for the unique aggregation mode of DML flows. This is supported by a lightweight and precise network awareness module that enables NetStorm to perceive and adapt to network conditions more effectively. Additionally, NetStorm incorporates a multipath auxiliary routing mechanism for more accurate topology decisions and efficient model transmission through multipath parallel transmission. With these optimization techniques, NetStorm achieves a speedup of 7.5~9.2 times over the standard MXNET system, and outperforms the other two optimized systems, MLNET and TSEngine.

Experiment Result

Quick Start

This guide will help you get started with NetStorm in only a few minutes. For your convenience, we offer a pre-built Docker image for a quick trial of NetStorm. To use this, ensure you have Docker installed by following the Docker Guide.

  • Step 1: Pull the Docker image and run a container.

    # To run on CPUs,use:
    sudo docker run -it --rm --name netstorm wenjiaofeng/netstorm:cpu-only bash
  • Step 2: Use the scripts in the scripts folder to launch demo tasks. For example:

    # To run on CPUs,use:
    cd netstorm/scripts/demo && bash muti_server_resnet.sh

Deploy NetStorm on Klonet

Klonet is a network emulation platform designed to support the development and testing of new network protocols and applications in a realistic environment. Klonet can emulate various network scenarios, such as wireless, mobile, satellite, and optical networks, and provide fine-grained control over the network parameters, such as bandwidth, delay, jitter, and packet loss. Klonet can also integrate with real devices and applications, such as routers, switches, sensors, and smartphones, to create hybrid network experiments. Klonet is based on the Linux operating system and uses virtualization and containerization technologies to create isolated network nodes and links. Klonet also provides a graphical user interface and a command-line interface for users to configure and manage their network experiments.

WARN: Unfortunately, Klonet is not open source at the moment. We appreciate your patience and look forward to its open source release.

  • Step 1: Start platform services.

    # 1. Start rabbitmq-server
    sudo docker start klonet/rabbitmq-server
    # 2. Start redis-celery
    sudo docker start klonet/redis-celery
    # 3. Start mysql-vemu
    sudo docker start klonet/mysql-vemu
    # 4. Start registry
    sudo docker start klonet/registry
  • Step 2: Start redis (port 8368).

    # 1. Start the redis database (8368)
    cd /root/vemu_install_new_gen/install_redis/  # Enter the directory of the configuration file
    /usr/local/bin/redis-server redis.conf &
    # 2. Check if redis (8368) is working properly
    redis-cli -p 8368 # Specify the port connection > auth vessalius # Test if redis is working properly
    # 3. PS: When testing redis (6379) in the same way as in step 2, you may encounter the problem of needing to configure a password for redis-celery (6379), follow the steps below, and then test it again as in step 2
    redis-cli -p 6379 > config set requirepass vessalius
  • Step 3: Start the service process.

    # 1. Switch to the same level directory as the job vemu_usetc
    cd <path to vemu_usetc>
    # 2. Start master_gunicorn
    screen -S wudx_master
    sudo /usr/local/python3/bin/gunicorn -c gun.py master_main:flask_app
    (Use Ctrl + A + D to exit screen)
    # 3. Start celery
    screen -S wudx_celery
    sudo /usr/local/python3/bin/celery -A celery_worker.celery worker --loglevel=info
    (Use Ctrl + A + D to exit screen)
    # 4. Start data_server
    screen -S wudx_data_server
    sudo /usr/local/python3/bin/gunicorn -c data_server_gun.py data_server_main:flask_app
    (Use Ctrl + A + D to exit screen)
    # 5. Start web_terminal_main
    screen -S wudx_web_terminal
    sudo python3.8 web_terminal_main.py
    (Use Ctrl + A + D to exit screen)
    # 6. Start worker gunicorn
    screen -S wudx_worker1
    sudo /usr/local/python3/bin/gunicorn -c worker_gun.py worker_main:flask_app
    (Use Ctrl + A + D to exit screen)
  • Step 4: Set up physical network topology.

    cd netstorm/scripts/klonet-netstorm
    # 1. If previous topology exists, delete it
    python klonet_destroy_topo.py
    # 2. Set up the network topology
    python klonet_deploy_topo.py
    # 3. Port mapping
    python klonet_mapping_port.py
    # 4. Manually update the scripts if source code and demo scripts are modified.
    # Suppose that we have 9 nodes deployed, one of which is called netstorm-node0.
    # Modify klonet_net_dynamic.py:
    sudo docker cp ts-mxnet-app netstorm-node0:/root/
    # Modify klonet_sync_lib.sh:
    sudo docker cp lib/libmxnet.so netstorm-node0:/root/mxnet/
    # Modify klonet_sync_app.sh:
    h1 = "netstorm-node0"
    # This is the same for other nodes.
  • Step 5: Enable Dynamic Networks.

    # Use this script to change bandwidth limitation, make sure to run it in the background.
    python klonet_net_dynamic.py
  • Step 6: Start or stop NetStorm.

    # To start, use:
    bash klonet_run_start.py
    # To stop, use:
    bash klonet_run_stop.py

Cite Us

Our paper is currently undergoing review. We appreciate your patience and will update the paper information once it has been accepted.


NetStorm: Accelerating Geo-distributed Machine Learning with Network-Aware Adaptive Tree and Auxiliary Route

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 59.4%Language:Python 28.5%Language:Cuda 8.9%Language:C 1.2%Language:CMake 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.8%Language:Cython 0.2%Language:Shell 0.2%