felladrin / online-visitors-counter

Real-time online visitors counter using Ajax, PHP PDO and SQLite.

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Perform a query delete on NULL last_activity and id suggestion

alecos71 opened this issue · comments

My patch for fixing the NULL values issue is the following:

$count = $db->query('SELECT COUNT() AS visitors, COUNT(DISTINCT page_url) AS pages FROM online WHERE last_activity IS NOT NULL AND id IS NOT NULL')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Would be better perform a delete query on NULL values of last_activity and id?

The query select is only a simple patch e doesn't provide a true solution...

What do you think about?


I attach here a sqlite db which is affected by this bug... and add 2 screenshot showing the issue...

Online 01

Online 02

I tried to delete the NULL values but for some strange reason doesn't work. Here is an example:

$deleteNull = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM online WHERE last_activity IS NULL AND id IS NULL');

The query is executed but the NULL values still are there.

Some suggestion?

For manipulating sqlite database I always use https://sqlitebrowser.org/ available for a large hardware platform. At the moment it's the best for viewing database structure and inspecting NULL values in database.


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