felixonmars / vps2arch

The fastest way to convert a VPS to Arch Linux! (forked from gitlab:drizzt/vps2arch)

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about ipv6

Tony-Yes opened this issue · comments


May I ask how to use this script for vps in only ipv6 environment

The only part of the script execution that involves the network is probably the download, you need an IPV4 address, maybe you can use NAT, or WARP, this is a good article and the author is also very good at maintaining several well-known projects

My English is not good, so I used Deepl Translate


The installation can be installed normally, but the network will have problems after restarting. How to configure static ipv6? /64

The installation can be installed normally, but the network will have problems after restarting. How to configure static ipv6? /64