felixhageloh / uebersicht


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Übersicht seems to hang / stop responding to `osascript` commands after waking from sleep

adityavm opened this issue · comments

I can't reliably say at what point it happens, but I have noticed quite regularly my M1 MBP slowing down considerably after it wakes up from sleep. When I check my ps log, I see many processes like:

yabai -m signal --add event="window_title_changed"            action="osascript -e 'tell application id \"tracesOf.Uebersicht\" to refresh widget id \"activeWindow-jsx\"' && osascript -e 'tell application id \"tracesOf.Uebersicht\" to refresh widget id \"activeWindow-2-jsx\"'"

These are triggered by different events from yabai, so that bit is known. Übersicht at this point becomes unresponsive, and the only way to recover it is to kill it from terminal. The menu icon gets dimmed and hovering on it gives me a beachball.

How can I resolve this?

Update: Screenshot of ps aux | grep Uebersicht when it starts happening: