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Fault in stack call choice

skaller opened this issue · comments

The following code:

  println$ "rfor loop ------";
  var v = varray[1->int] 4uz;
  rfor i in (0,1,2,3) perform push_back (v,{i});
  for j in 0..3 perform println$ #(v.j);


rfor loop ------

however this works rfor i in (0,1,2,3) perform println$ i;
Its hard to follow but the recursive loop is generated by the parser, and I believe it is actually correct.

The problem IMHO is that the optimiser is correctly recursing, generating independent frames, but doing a stack call instead of using the heap. Its also a bit nasty, rfor only works with iterators. So it seems to always recurse and not do tail call optimisation when it should.

The problem is that {i} requires binding to a heap frame containing the control variable i value at the time the closure is formed. That's what rfor is for. The idea is to use recursion so each loop iteration is a separate frame, and the binding to it uses the state of that frame. If there is no binding it should be optimised by self-tail call optimisation to a plain for loop. The optimisation is not being done even for the simple case rfor i in (0,1,2,3) perform j+=i; because of the generator I think.

Verified. rfor code runs fine is stack call is disable for procedures.

The question is why the routine didn't detect that {i} formed a closure binding to the frame. One of the problems with procedures is that they can call procedures with side-effects, including storing their argument .. which is what push_back actually does. So the analysis should be conservative and if a procedure is passed an argument containing a closure over the calling frame, the frame has to be heaped not stacked.

In fact .. the code says:

   | BEXE_call _
    | BEXE_call_with_trap _
       print_endline (id ^ " does nasty call");
       raise Unstackable

    | BEXE_jump _
    | BEXE_jump_direct _
       print_endline (id ^ " does jump");
       raise Unstackable

which is grossly over-conservative!

However this code is clearly wrong!!!

    | BEXE_call (_,(BEXPR_closure (j,_),_),_)
    | BEXE_call_direct (_,j,_,_)

    (* this case needed for virtuals/typeclasses .. *)   | BEXE_call_prim (_,j,_,_)
      let target = let bsym = Flx_bsym_table.find bsym_table j in bsym.id in

      if not (check_stackable_proc
      then begin
        print_endline (id ^ " calls unstackable proc " ^ si j ^ " " ^ target);
        raise Unstackable
      else begin
        print_endline (id ^ " not judged unstackable by direct call to" ^ si j ^ " " ^ target);

Why? Because even if push_back is stackable, its argument is, in our example, a closure bound to the caller frame. So it's not good enough to check that the procedure is stackable, we have to also examine its argument. This code:

    (* assignments not involving pointers or functions are safe *)
    | BEXE_init (sr,_,(_,t))
    | BEXE_assign (sr,(_,t),_)
    | BEXE_storeat (sr,(_,t),_) ->
        let has_vars = has_var_children bsym_table children in
        let has_funs = has_fun_children bsym_table children in
        let returns_fun = type_has_fn fn_cache syms bsym_table children t in
        let returns_ptr = type_has_ptr ptr_cache syms bsym_table children t in
        let can_stack = 
          (* this is the similar to a function, except we're talking
           * about storing a value in an external variable instead
           * of about returning it. 
          let p = function | true -> "true" | false -> "false" in
          print_endline ("has_vars " ^ p has_vars ^ " ret ptr " ^ p returns_ptr
          ^ " has_funs " ^ p has_funs ^ " ret fun " ^ p returns_fun );
          match has_vars, returns_ptr, has_funs, returns_fun with
              | _       , _          , true   , true 
              | _       , true       , true   , _ 
              | true    , true       , _      , _    -> false
              | _ -> true

        raise  Unstackable

already does this analysis for assignments. Obviously push_back is also a kind of assignment.

That fixed it! Just do the same analysis for the type of the argument passed to the procedure.