felipe-mello2 / idler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


24/7 Steam ingame time idler with Replit (simple version)

  1. Register at https://replit.com/
  2. Create a free app
  3. Put these repo files to the app you just created
  4. Enter your login and password to the index.js. Put shared secret code if you have.
  5. Run the app.
  6. Go to betterstack.com Register, add ne app, enter a link to your replit app, set 30 mins (a free plan)
  7. On BetterStack set keyword url for 3030 and start uptime.

(by Jiram ❤️);



Language:JavaScript 85.5%Language:Nix 14.5%