felangel / mason

Tools which allow developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks.

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Wrong path format at brick generation. Slash "/" formatted to `/`

andrespd99 opened this issue · comments


I'm currently building a mason to construct codemagic.yaml files.

Our projects use flavors, so the brick asks the user the path for the main file of each flavor. Then, I map each path to the respective workflow. For instance, the main_staging.dart path is set in the staging workflow, the production main file's path in the production workflow, and so on.

The problem is that the slash / gets formatted to /. Is there a way to avoid this?


  1. Ask the user the flavors that will be available in the CI pipeline (production, staging, development).
  2. Ask the path of each main file.
  3. Validate file paths.
  4. Create a variable for each path: {flavor}_main_path

Input: lib/main_staging.dart

for (var flavor in flavors) {
    context.vars['show_$flavor'] = true;
    context.vars['${flavor}_main_path'] = mappedFiles[flavor];

Output of printing context.vars['staging_main_path']: lib/main_staging.dart

Generated result:

script: |
          flutter build appbundle --release --flavor staging --target lib/main_staging.dart

So, the path seems to be right on pre_gen, but gets corrupted in the generation. I know that blob is the Unicode for slash. Would that still be processed correctly by the server instances?

Hi @andrespd99
You can use triple mustache brackets to avoid automatically encoding the variables: {{{ my_var }}}

Thank you very much @felangel , that did the trick!