feixionglee / china_region_fu

China region data and rails interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Gem Version Build Status

ChinaRegionFu provide the region data of china.You will got complete China region data after use this gem.


Put 'gem china_region_fu' to your Gemfile:

gem 'china_region_fu'

Run bundler command to install the gem:

bundle install

After you install the gem, you need run below tasks one by one:

  1. Copy migration file to your app.

    rake china_region_fu_engine:install:migrations
  2. Run db:migrate to create region tables.

    rake db:migrate
  3. Download the latest regions.yml form github.

    rake region:download
  4. Import regions to database.

    rake region:import

You also can use below task to do the same things as four tasks above:

rake region:install

Region data is from ChinaRegionData, check it out to see what kind of data you have now.

If you want to customize the region modules you can run the generator:

rails g china_region_fu:models

This will create:

create  app/models/province.rb
create  app/models/city.rb
create  app/models/district.rb

So you can do what you want to do in this files.



a = Province.last
a.name                   # => "**省"
a.cities.pluck(:name)    # => ["嘉义市", "台南市", "新竹市", "台中市", "基隆市", "台北市"]

Province.first.districts.pluck(:name) # => ["延庆县", "密云县", "平谷区", ...]

c = City.last
c.name                   # => "酒泉市"
c.short_name             # => "酒泉"
c.zip_code               # => "735000"
c.pinyin                 # => "jiuquan"
c.pinyin_abbr            # => "jq"
c.districts.pluck(:name) # => ["敦煌市", "玉门市", "阿克塞哈萨克族自治县", "肃北蒙古族自治县", "安西县", ...]
c.brothers.pluck(:name)  # => ["甘南藏族自治州", "临夏回族自治州", "陇南市", ...]

d = District.last
d.name                   # => "吉木乃县"
d.short_name             # => "吉木乃"
d.pinyin                 # => "jimunai"
d.pinyin_abbr            # => "jmn"
d.city.name              # => "阿勒泰地区"
d.province.name          # => "**维吾尔自治区"


Form helpers
<%= form_for(@post) do |f| %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :province, '选择地区:' %><br />

    # FormBuilder
    <%= f.region_select :city %>
    <%= f.region_select [:province, :city, :district], province_prompt: 'Do', city_prompt: 'it', district_prompt: 'like this' %>
    <%= f.region_select [:province, :city], include_blank: true %>
    <%= f.region_select [:city, :district] %>
    <%= f.region_select [:province, :district] %>

    # FormHelper
    <%= region_select :post, :province %>
    <%= region_select :post, [:province, :city, :district] %>

    # FormTagHelper
    <%= region_select_tag :province, class: 'my', include_blank: true %>
    <%= region_select_tag [:province, :city, :district], province_prompt: 'Do', city_prompt: 'it', district_prompt: 'like this', class: 'my' %>
<% end %>
<%= simple_form_for(@post) do |f| %>
  <%= f.input :province, as: :region, collection: Province.select('id, name'), sub_region: :city %>
  <%= f.input :city, as: :region, sub_region: :district %>
  <%= f.input :district, as: :region %>
  <%= js_for_region_ajax %>
<% end %>
<%= semantic_form_for(@post) do |f| %>
  <%= f.input :province, as: :region, collection: Province.select('id, name'), sub_region: :city %>
  <%= f.input :city, as: :region, sub_region: :district %>
  <%= f.input :district, as: :region %>
  <%= js_for_region_ajax %>
<% end %>
Fetch sub regions by Ajax

Once select one province, we want fetch cities of the selected province and fill the city select box automatically. If you use :region_select_tag and FormBuilder/FormHelper method aka :region_select, you need do nothing for this. If you use simple_form or normal form helper like :select_tag or :select, to implement this, what you need to do is add below helper in your form:

<%= js_for_region_ajax %>

it will render:

<script type="text/javascript">
      $('body').on('change', '.region_select', function(event) {
        var self, $targetDom;
        self = $(event.currentTarget);
        $targetDom = $('#' + self.data('region-target'));
        if ($targetDom.size() > 0) {
          $.getJSON('/china_region_fu/fetch_options', {klass: self.data('region-target-kalss'), parent_klass: self.data('region-klass'), parent_id: self.val()}, function(data) {
            var options = [];
            $('option[value!=""]', $targetDom).remove();
            $.each(data, function(index, value) {
              options.push("<option value='" + value.id + "'>" + value.name + "</option>");

Online example



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


ChinaRegionFu is released under the MIT license.


China region data and rails interface

License:MIT License