feiskyer / kubernetes-handbook

Kubernetes Handbook (Kubernetes指南) https://kubernetes.feisky.xyz

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English content is missing

snpdev opened this issue · comments

Hi. This looks like a wonderful resource, but unfortunately the English content is missing.

https://kubernetes.feisky.xyz/en/ has a link only to the introduction page, and the links from https://github.com/feiskyer/kubernetes-handbook/blob/master/en/SUMMARY.md return 404 errors.

I see now that there is one section of English content at https://github.com/feiskyer/kubernetes-handbook/blob/master/en/troubleshooting/index.md.

I recommend that the English README.md and SUMMARY.md pages make it clear that only the Troubleshooting content is translated into English. Otherwise visitors will be confused.

Thank for your contribution. The Troubleshooting content is excellent.

@snpdev Thanks. I'm still working on the remaining part, and you're right. I should update SUMMARY to only include existing contents.