fedspendingtransparency / data-act-broker-backend

Services that power the DATA Act's central data submission platform

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Reconsider salted hashing construction

paragonie-scott opened this issue · comments



It's a well-known fact that bcrypt will silently truncate after 72 characters. Appending a "salt" to the user's password before passing to bcrypt (which is, itself, a salted password hashing algorithm and uses a 128-bit salt derived from a CSPRNG) doesn't buy you any security.

To verify this:

  1. Create two new users (Alice and Bob).
  2. Set their password to the letter A repeated 72 times.
  3. Without updating the hashes, swap their salts in the backend storage.
  4. Logins will still succeed.

If you're looking to add a level of security beyond what bcrypt offers, you have a few ways you can go:

  • Use Argon2i or yescrypt.
  • Pre-hash passwords with SHA-384, taking care not to pass a raw binary string to bcrypt (it truncates on NUL bytes). If your hashing interface returns raw bytes, base64 encode the hash before passing to bcrypt.

Thanks for rightfully pointing out that we’re double salting our passwords. We’re in the process of mitigating this by moving to a single sign-on system (based on the Central Authentication Service provided by max.gov). Unfortunately, their source is not open, but we believe that shifting to their system (which includes optional 2-factor authentication) will be more secure in the long-term.

Again, thanks for taking the time to weigh in—we appreciate it!