fedden / poker_ai

🤖 An Open Source Texas Hold'em AI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bad Skip in Action History

big-c-note opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
See below for example, lines 86 to the end. The action sequence is:

['fold', 'call', 'call', 'skip']

The action is,

player 2 folds
player 0 calls
player 1 checks (calls)

This should conclude the betting round, but in the ShortDeckPokerState class, in the apply_action method, we look ahead to the next player and add a 'skip' if they are not active. When this happens in the pre flop betting stage, the skip is appened for player 2, but player 0 should be the next player to act after the flop is dealt.

To Reproduce
See here for the bad skip and here for the previous action


Don't have a fix for this one yet