fedden / poker_ai

🤖 An Open Source Texas Hold'em AI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing strategy offline_strategy_dict = joblib.load(strategy_path)

amirfarazmand opened this issue · comments

Is there any help to create a strategy file?
File "C:\Users\Amir\PycharmProjects\poker_ai\poker_ai\terminal\runner.py", line 65, in run_terminal_app
offline_strategy_dict = joblib.load(strategy_path)
File "C:\Users\Amir\PycharmProjects\poker_ai\venv\lib\site-packages\joblib\numpy_pickle.py", line 577, in load
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''


The strategy file is obtained in the following way:

You must first run the 'poker_ai cluster' and 'poker_ai train start' commands.

These commands will give you the files 'agent.joblib', 'server.gz', 'card_info_lut.joblib', 'centroid.joblib', 'config.yaml' and 'server.gz'. These files are needed to run 'poker_ai play'.

Once you have these files, create a folder in the 'research' folder and call it 'blueprint_algo'. Store those files there.

Then run this command:

poker_ai play --lut_path /home/jupyter/poker_ai/research/blueprint_algo --pickle_dir False --agent /home/jupyter/poker_ai/research/blueprint_algo/_2022_10_19_20_44_25_523196/agent.joblib --strategy_path /home/jupyter/poker_ai/research/blueprint_algo/_2022_10_19_20_44_25_523196/server.gz --debug_quick_start

The file you refer to as the 'strategy file' is 'server.gz', and it is used in this line specifically: --strategy_path /home/jupyter/poker_ai/research/blueprint_algo/_2022_10_19_20_44_25_523196/server.gz shown above