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.Net SDK

kolbasik opened this issue · comments

@fahad19: As much as I would love to have cross-platform SDK support for Featurevisor, I would suggest we hold on until the JavaScript SDK matures further.
#11 #12

I like the idea. And when the JavaScript SDK becomes mature, I would like to contribute for .Net SDK if possible :)

@kolbasik: that would be amazing!

I have to say that the SDK is gonna remain the same (as per the documentation at https://featurevisor.com/docs/sdks/) in v1.0 stable release.

Internally in the JavaScript SDK package, it's keeping things as backwards compatible as possible since first v0.1 release (it's at v0.15 now). In v1.0 release, I will remove all the undocumented code.

Worst case scenario, there will be additions but no further breaking changes to the SDK based on docs.

If you really feel like, you can start now and I am very much willing to help with any queries. Otherwise I will ping here once I tag a v1.0 stable in a few weeks time hopefully.

@kolbasik: just fyi, we already have Swift and Kotlin SDKs under development publicly in this organization 🙌