feathersui / feathersui-starling

User interface components for Starling Framework and Adobe AIR

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Label: text doesn't fit

CrazyFlasher opened this issue · comments

Using TextFieldTextRenderer
Parent container uses AnchorLayout

Label properties:

label.wordWrap = true;
label.maxWidth = 300;
label.padding = 20;
label.paddingRight = 40;

var layoutData:AnchorLayoutData = new AnchorLayoutData();
layoutData:AnchorLayoutData.left = 0;

label.layoutData = layoutData:AnchorLayoutData ;
label.fontStyles = fonts.futuraPTMedium_0_32_left;

If I use text with line break, second line is not shown

Hello, Vitenka3533!\nI will guide you for the first time.


Screen without line break - \n:

It's interesting that word wrap works correctly, but a line break does not.

Does it make a difference if you set the useGutter property to true on the TextFieldTextRenderer?

Unfortunately, setting useGutter to true didn't help in this case

In that case, I think it's probably a bug in flash.text.TextField. I've run into many over the years. Sometimes, it handles certain fonts better than others. If you switched to a different font, it might work.

Switching to TextBlockTextRenderer will probably work better too.