feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-knex

Service adapters for KnexJS a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and SQLite3

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nested tables on join

matbalazsi opened this issue · comments

Using feathers-knex (postgresql), I am trying to nest my tables on a join. Here is an example on how to achieve this with node-postgres.


SELECT to_json(a.*) AS table1, to_json(b.*) AS table2 FROM some_table a LEFT JOIN another_table b ON a.id = b.id;
With this all rows will be structured as such:

{ table1: { ... },
table2: { ... } }

However, using:
const query = this.createQuery({ query: hook.params.query });
query.select(to_json(a.*) AS table1)

is giving me an error because it assumes that the table name is “to_json(a”. Is there a way to generate raw queries with feathers-knex?

You can create raw queries using this.Model which is the db instance you initially passed.

thanks! I wanted to create the join query in a hook, but setting
hook.params.knex = hook.app.service('a').Model.raw('SELECT * FROM etc....');
doesn't work. Would you suggest creating a new custom service for this query, or is it possible through hooks?

I'm closing the issue, thanks for the quick response! If possible, does anyone have any suggestion regarding the best practice for these types of joins (as mentioned in my previous comment)?

This is what works for me (full before hook example):

const { mapKeys } = require('lodash');

module.exports = (options = {}) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  return async context => {
    // PREVENT: "column reference "[column name]" is ambiguous"
    const sort = mapKeys(context.params.query.$sort, (order, field) => {
      return `plannings.${field}`;
    context.params.query.$sort = sort;
    const query = context.service.createQuery({ query: context.params.query });
      .count('plannings.id as planninRuleCount')
      .leftJoin('planningRules as plr', 'plr.planningId', 'plannings.id')
    if (context.id) // Scope the query if it's a single GET call
      query.where('plannings.id', context.id);
    context.params.knex = query;
    return context;

you can try like this:

find: [
  function (hook) {

    const query = this.db().column('t_wip_type.product_type','t_wip_type.product_type_code','t_wip_type.code_rules','t_wip_code.*').select();

    query.leftOuterJoin('t_wip_type', 't_wip_code.wip_type_id', 't_wip_type.id');

    hook.params.knex = query;

    return hook;
