feathersjs-ecosystem / cli

The command line interface for scaffolding Feathers applications

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OverwriteModelError and Mocha watch on generated models

ericjeker opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

  • Create an app with the CLI and select Mocha + assert

feathers g app

? Project name new-test-app
? Description
? What folder should the source files live in? src
? Which package manager are you using (has to be installed globally)? npm
? What type of API are you making? (Press to select, to toggle all, to invert selection)REST, Realtime via Socket.io
? Which testing framework do you prefer? Mocha + assert

  • Create a service with Mongoose

feathers g service

? What kind of service is it? Mongoose
? What is the name of the service? test
? Which path should the service be registered on? /test
? What is the database connection string? mongodb://localhost:27017/new_test_app

  • Run mocha with -w parameter

./node_modules/.bin/mocha test/ -w

  • Do a modification in your code

OverwriteModelError: Cannot overwrite test model once compiled.

Expected behavior

We should not have an exception in that case. That is due to the way models are generated by CLI.
The error is described here: Automattic/mongoose#1251
Wrapping the model creation in a try catch solves the issue.

Actual behavior

OverwriteModelError: Cannot overwrite test model once compiled.

System configuration

Module versions (especially the part that's not working):

Feathers CLI 3.9.0

NodeJS version:


Operating System:


Browser Version:


React Native Version:


Module Loader:


Thanks for this <3