feathers-plus / generator-feathers-plus

A Yeoman generator to (re)generate a FeathersJS application supporting both REST and GraphQL architectural concepts and their query languages.

Home Page:https://generator.feathers-plus.com/

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array in schema type produces invalid array type in typescript interface

blackholegalaxy opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

  • On a typescript enabled project
  • Generate a new service with schemas

In the schema, define a property with array type:

et schema = {
  // !<DEFAULT> code: schema_header
  title: 'Bootcamps',
  description: 'Bootcamps database.',
  // !end
  // !code: schema_definitions // !end

  // Required fields.
  required: [
    // !code: schema_required // !end
  // Fields with unique values.
  uniqueItemProperties: [
    // !code: schema_unique // !end

  // Fields in the model.
  properties: {
    // !code: schema_properties
    id: { type: 'ID' },
    address: { $ref: 'place/address.json' },
    userIds: {
      type: 'array',
      items: {
        type: 'ID',
        faker: { fk: 'users:next' }
    deletedAt: { $ref: 'common.json#/definitions/deleted_at' },
    // !end
  // !code: schema_more // !end
  • Then generate all

Expected behavior

It should produce a valid typescript interface.ts like:

export interface BootcampBase {
  // !<DEFAULT> code: interface
  address: {
  base: string;
  complement: string;
  city: string;
  zipcode: string;
  state: string;
  country: string
  userIds: string[]; // or any[] <------ HERE
  deletedAt: number;
  // !end

Actual behavior

It produces the interface.ts with improper array type:

export interface BootcampBase {
  // !<DEFAULT> code: interface
  address: {
  base: string;
  complement: string;
  city: string;
  zipcode: string;
  state: string;
  country: string
  userIds: array; //  <------ HERE
  deletedAt: number;
  // !end

System configuration

Tell us about the applicable parts of your setup.

Module versions (especially the part that's not working):
feathers-plus 0.7.80

NodeJS version:
Tested on 8.15.0 and 10.x versions

Operating System:

OsX Mojave and Windows 10

I remember coming across this. It's on my laundry list of typescript improvements but I haven't had a chance to look at this in a long time. I'm hoping to today, fingers crossed

Maybe we could use this to generate the interfaces (or maybe we already do, I'm not sure)


The people handling typescript for the generator will have to submit a PR.

I think this is fixed now?

Thanks for noticing this. Published with f+/cli and generator, both v0.8.0.