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ESP32 Display Controller (VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306, ST7789, ILI9341), PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal

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AnsiTerminal / FabGL Serial Terminal Unable to Properly Connect to a Hardware Serial Device

M5864 opened this issue · comments

Issue: AnsiTerminal.ino is not working correctly when connecting to a hardware serial device.

I'm using a TTGO VGA32 v1.4 board connected to a Serial/TTL converter using a DB9 connection and running AnsiTerminal.ino (FabGL Serial Terminal).

I can successfully connect this to a laptop using a null-modem cable between the VGA32 and laptop and communicate (transmit and receive) from FabGL Serial Terminal and either HyperTerm on XP or Putty - both work fine. I can also connect the VGA32 to a linux desktop using a USB to serial cable and a null-modem dongle and successfully login to linux. So in other words, it seems to be working as expected in those 2 cases.

Next, I went to connect to a firewall appliance's serial console port. I have the correct null-modem cable. I can successfully connect to the appliance using a windows xp laptop and HyperTerm or Putty as expected, but when connecting using the VGA32 and FabGL Serial Terminal, I receive only a bit of the first line, then it repeats 5 times. Nothing works at that point. If I press ENTER, it waits a bit and the 5 lines will repeat.

I've included 2 screenshots of the working HyperTerm setup and the FabGL Serial Terminal setup and the issues it shows. See my highlights in Yellow.

I've tried all different terminal types, baud, flow control, etc. but the exact same setup in HyperTerm and VGA32 just will not work.

Here's the working configuration in HyperTerm and the expected output from the Hardware device:


Here's the FabGL Serial Terminal settings and what's being received:

Both are set to the following: ANSI, 115200,8,n,1, no flow control

Please let me know if there's anything else I can try, my goal was to be able to use the VGA32 with FabGL AnsiTerminal to connect to this hardware instead of having to use an old laptop that is failing.

Thank you