fcdn007 / smart-contracts

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SmartContracts - The FSolidM framework

This repository contains the implementation of the FSolidM framework, which allows designing and generating secure Solidity smart contracts. FSolidM is built on WebGME.


  1. What is FSolidM?
  2. How to install FSolidM?
  3. Features of FSolidM

What is FSolidM?

The adoption of blockchain-based distributed computation platforms is growing fast. Some of these platforms, such as Ethereum, provide support for implementing smart contracts, which are envisioned to have novel applications in a broad range of areas, including finance and Internet-of-Things. However, a significant number of smart contracts deployed in practice suffer from security vulnerabilities, which enable malicious users to steal assets from a contract or to cause damage. Vulnerabilities present a serious issue since contracts may handle financial assets of considerable value, and contract bugs are non-fixable by design.

To help developers create more secure smart contracts, we introduce FSolidM, a framework rooted in rigorous semantics for designing contracts as Finite State Machines (FSM). We present a design studio for creating FSMs on an easy-to-use graphical interface and for automatically generating Ethereum contracts. We have integrated in FSolidM a set of design patterns, which we implement as plugins that developers can easily add to their contracts to enhance security and functionality.

How to install FSolidM?

First, install the following:

On Ubuntu, you also need to install npm and nodes-legacy using apt.

To clone the repository, first install (if necessary):

and then clone the repository in your preferred directory, for example:

cd /home/$USER
git clone https://github.com/anmavrid/smart-contracts.git

This makes the 'project root' for the git repo /home/$USER/smart-contracts.

Install packages with npm in the project root (smart-contracts):

cd /home/$USER/smart-contracts
npm install
npm install webgme
npm install -g bower
bower install

Start mongodb locally by running the mongod executable in your mongodb installation (you may need to create a data directory or set --dbpath). For example:

cd /home/$USER
mkdir sc_data
mongod --dbpath ./sc_data

wait until you see a line that says "[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017".

Then, in a new terminal window, run npm start from the project root (smart-contracts) to start. For example:

cd /home/$USER/smart-contracts
npm start

After the webgme server is up and there are no error messages in the console, open a valid address in the browser to start using the Smart Contracts. The default is, you should see all valid addresses in the console.

Click Create New… to create a new project. After entering a project name of your choice, import the seed SC to start working on smart contracts!

IMPORTANT: To use the VerifyContract plugin, please download the nuXmv tool (version 1.1.1) from https://es-static.fbk.eu/tools/nuxmv/index.php?n=Download.Download and just add it in the smart-contracts/verificationTools folder.


  • Collaborative, automatically versioned web-based development.

Project history view with branching and tagging

  • Dedicated Transition System Editors. In the upper left corner you can see the plugins offered by the tool for: 1) adding functionality through design patterns; 2) generating Solidity code and 3) verifying smart contracts.

TS model editors

  • Fully integrated Solidity code development.

Solidity development

  • Templates for writing security properties in natural language when running the VerifyContract plugin. If no property is specified the tool still verifies deadlock-freedom.

Safety properties

  • The verification results are returned to the user. If a security property is not true, FSolidM returns a counter-example that invalidates the property.


  • Embeddable documentation at every level of the model.



License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.8%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:HTML 0.7%