fcakyon / fcakyon

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about me

  • Passionate about Open-Source, Large Language Models, Multi-Modal Learning
  • PhD in Informatics (multi-modal video understanding)
  • BSc and MSc in Engineering (sequence models & computer vision)

some of my opensource packages:

autollm autollm stars Downloads

sahi sahi stars Downloads

yolov5-pip yolov5 stars Downloads

ultralyticsplus ultralyticsplus stars Downloads

balanced-loss balanced-loss stars Downloads

streamlit-image-comparison streamlit-image-comparison stars Downloads

video-transformers video-transformers stars Downloads

craft-text-detector craft stars Downloads

labelme2coco labelme2coco stars Downloads

midv500 midv500 stars Downloads

some of my published/preprint papers:

Artificial intelligence-supported web application for reducing polypharmacy side effects (Frontiers in Medicine, 2023) (5+ citations)

State-of-the-Art in Nudity Classification: A Comparative Analysis (ICASSP, 2023) (arxiv and demo comming soon ...)

Deep Architectures for Content Moderation and Movie Content Rating (Preprint) (5+ citations)

Slicing Aided Hyper Inference and Fine-tuning for Small Object Detection (ICIP, 2022) (100+ citations)

Automated question generation and question answering from Turkish texts (SCI Journal, 2022)

Drone-vs-Bird Detection Challenge at IEEE AVSS2021 (AVSS, 2021) (120+ citations)

Track Boosting and Synthetic Data Aided Drone Detection (AVSS, 2021) (10+ citations)

Instagram Fake and Automated Account Detection (INISTA, 2019) (70+ citations)
