fcFn / traymond

A simple Windows app for minimizing windows to tray icons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

recreate icon after explorer.exe recovering from crash

flymolon opened this issue · comments

the icons disappeared after restarting explorer.exe

Hey, @flymolon, thanks for reporting the issue! I'm sorry that you encountered problems.

Try killing Traymond.exe from the task manager after explorer.exe crash and restarting it. That should bring the icons for windows that would still exist after the crash back (through the same mechanism that restores the icons in case the app itself crashes). If not, please reply and I will investigate.


im having the same issue, i killed traymond from the task manager and and restarted it. now the software is working but the icons arent visible and i cant see traymond in the task manager either. Also when i try to open it again it says "another instance of traymond is already running"

@ElectricSpongebob Have you tried locating it in the Details tab of the Task Manager (it should be listed there as Traymond.exe)?