fbornhofen / lkcodesrv

Lively code database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code Server for Lively Kernel
This is an experiment to serve Lively code off a database. It's dirty, it's unstable, it's going to change quickly.
The idea is to load all Lively Kernel files into a database (CodeDB will be a more elaborate approach, though) and have a Node.js web server serve them. We gain a few advantages doing it that way:
- We eliminate the need for a local Apache installation if you want to run LK locally.
- The code server will always be connected to the database that contains the code. We can add routes to the server (possibly at runtime) that manipulate the database. This makes development of database applications in the Lively Kernel a lot easier.

Things lkcodesrv can do:
- Deliver LK xhtml and js files to your browser
- Basic support for PUT and POST operations to save your worlds and js files
- Automatically create revisions of the files you save
- Very basic support for PROPFIND. It's just enough to let you use SCB and the PartsBin browser.
- Basic proxy functionality for WebResource. Be careful with binary data.
- Execute arbitrary JavaScript code on the server side. This is why deploying this piece of software on a public server is a VERY BAD IDEA.

Things lkcodesrv can NOT do (yet):
- user authentication
- create empty folders

You need to have Node.js and npm installed. We currently run on version 0.4.12 (stable) of Node.js.
Development files of the following packages are necessary to build the required Node.js modules:
- libxml2
- sqlite3
On Linux, you can usually install these through your package manager (*-dev or *-devel). On OSX, install these programs using MacPorts or Homebrew.

- Check out this git repository
- cd to your local clone and run "npm install". This installs a few additional modules.
- Copy config.js.default to config.js. You can configure things like lkcodesrv's port number there.

Running Lively Kernel on lkcodesrv:
- Run "node codesrv.js" to start the server
- Initialize database through route http://YOUR_HOSTNAME:PORT_FROM_config.js/setup
- Get a copy of the Lively Kernel code. You can get zipped snapshots from here: http://lively-kernel.org/other/releases/ or check out the lively github repository.
- Run "./import-code.sh <PATH_TO_YOUR_LIVELY_CODE> <PORT>" to copy your local LK files to the database.
- Open http://YOUR_HOSTNAME:PORT/blank.xhtml in your web browser (Chrome, preferably).


Lively code database


Language:JavaScript 97.6%Language:Shell 2.4%