fbion / regulex

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Regulex_common is a JavaScript Regular Expression Parser & Visualizer.

It base on Regulex, use by commonJs rules.

Try it now: https://freecity.club/#/regulex


github: https://github.com/wyc194/regulex.git
origin project github: https://github.com/CJex/regulex

Origin Project Declare

  • Written in pure JavaScript. No backend required.
  • You can embed the graph on you own site through HTML iframe element.
  • Detailed error message. In most cases it can point out the precise syntax error position.
  • No support for octal escape. Yes it is a feature! ECMAScript strict mode doesn't allow octal escape in string, but many browsers still allow octal escape in regex. In regulex, DecimalEscape will always be treated as back reference. If the back reference is invalid, e.g. /\1/, /(\1)/, /(a)\2/, or DecimalEscape appears in charset(because in this case it can't be explained as back reference, e.g. /(ab)[\1]/, Regulex will always throw an error.

Project Declare

  • 更改依赖性:去除requireJs,适应ES6模块化使用方式.

For browser use

如采用以<script>标签直接导入js供浏览器使用方式, 请查看使用原项目Regulex(https://github.com/CJex/regulex)

Install for Node.js, Vue... [ES6 Module方式]

npm install regulex_common


import { parse, Kit, Raphael, visualize } from 'regulex_common'

Parse to AST

const regExp = /var\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*);/


const regExp = /var\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w*);/
const paper = Raphael("htmlElementID", 0, 0)
try {
  visualize(parse(regExp.source), getRegexFlags(re), paper)
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof parse.RegexSyntaxError) {
    // do some thing

function getRegexFlags(re) {
  let flags = ""
  flags += re.ignoreCase ? "i" : ""
  flags += re.global ? "g" : ""
  flags += re.multiline ? "m" : ""
  return flags


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%