fbiego / ESP32_BLE_OTA_Arduino

OTA update on ESP32 via BLE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't connect to the ESP32

HHavendano opened this issue · comments

I try to use the code ,and the app. I can select the Firmware file, but i can select de device.

  1. I select the "Chose" button
  2. Show me the name ESP32 OTA, and i select it.
  3. I wait but nothing happen
  4. After 5 seconds, the app closes.

So i can't update the ESP32 for that. Could you help me?

I'm looking into this issue

the app has been updated

Thanks but still doesn't work. Select the device and show the esp32 and a few seconds the esp32 disconnect. I'ts about the app or my ESP32?

What services and characteristics are broadcasted by ESP32?
You can use nRF Connect to view

I don't know what am i looking for

Click on the 3 dots and refresh the services


#define SERVICE_UUID "fb1e4001-54ae-4a28-9f74-dfccb248601d"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID_RX "fb1e4002-54ae-4a28-9f74-dfccb248601d"
#define CHARACTERISTIC_UUID_TX "fb1e4003-54ae-4a28-9f74-dfccb248601d"

This service should be listed, after that you can disconnect then use the OTA app

I see, now i can connect it. now i try to upload the firmware, it downloaded ,but it show me Error# 9. What is it?

@fbiego What is the Error#9?