fbaligand / lognavigator

Navigate into your logs with the comfort of a web interface

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New features : augment config with sort and include/exclude capabilities

bligny opened this issue · comments


First of all, let me congratulate you for this project.
I've discovered it just today, and I find it very nice (and very handy).

After having played a bit with it, I would like to suggest a possible improvement (or new features):

  • ability to add an optional filter on dir content (through include and exclude pattern/regex)
  • ability to add an optional sort criteria


<log-access-config type="LOCAL" directory="/wildfly-10/standalone/logs" include="myapplication*.log*" sort="date DESC"/>

<log-access-config type="LOCAL" directory="/wildfly-10/standalone/logs" include="*.log" exclude="access.log"/>



First, happy to see you appreciate LogNavigator project and find it handy !

Then, concerning your feature requests, I find that the first one is a good idea !
Concerning the second one, you can already sort the files by name, date and size on LogNavigator web interface.

For the sort, even if it's possible using the column headers, the idea is to define a DEFAULT sort. Very useful for monitoring, when each day I have to find today's log among a large number of rotating log files (of an application server), when each day I want to have the most recent one on the top of the filelist.
Being lazy , having my logfiles already sorted when entering the webapp/home page would be appreciated.