fazibear / airbrakex

Elixir client for the Airbrake service.

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Do not rely on `Mix.env`

gaynetdinov opened this issue · comments

Since Mix is not(and should not) included to a release, executing this command inside a release:

Application.get_env(:airbrakex, :environment, Mix.env)

causes an exception like this:

** (exit) an exception was raised:
    ** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function Mix.env/0 (module Mix is not available)

You can either make environment param mandatory and remove default value(which is Mix.env) from get_env function call OR you can merge this PR #9. To be honest I don't know which option is better, probably the first one.

Making 'environment' param mandatory may brake your app after upgrade. #9 soultion is fine, and as you said it works on production without mix. Could you rename @env to @default_env ?

Merged! THanks!