faulkner / Capsule

Realtime web app framework for Backbone, socket.io and node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Capsule is an experimental web framework by @HenrikJoreteg for Node.js that uses Socket.io and Backbone.js to synchronize model state by sharing model code between the client and the server.

MIT Licensed.

##Introduction !important I'm releasing Capsule in it's current state as a demonstration of one possible way to build realtime web apps. I've used it (or a similar variety) of it for a couple of apps. One of which our team uses everyday.

Capsule presents and experimental approach to building real-time web apps that re-uses the exact same models on the server as what you serve in a script tag in the html of your app. For more information on this approach see my blog post on Re-using Backbone.js Models on the server with Node.js and Socket.io to build realtime apps. It's also something I will discuss it in my upcoming talk at NodeConf 2011.

It's essentially a set of convenience methods and additions to @jashkenas's excellent Backbone.js lib. In it's current state Capsule is a bit indulgent in that it makes quite a few assumptions about your app and could certainly stand to be more generic.

##Core assumptions are as follows:

  • All synced state is stored in a root model which is kept in memory on the server (yes, this is inefficient in some ways, but completely badass in others. Please don't tell me it won't scale we're also working on tying this into @fritzy's aweseome upcoming thoonk.js redis lib that will use redis for clustering/scaling).
  • Several of the methods in Capsule.View assume that you're also using ICanHaz.js and Mustache for your clientside templating.

##How to use it

The following pages also serve as temporary API documentation of what the code is capable of. You should read these as well, before you attempt to use this:

Here's how you'd start building an app based on this method:

  1. Build your models file. You'll want something like this at the top to make it possible to use on the server and in the browser:

     if (typeof require == 'undefined') {
       var exports = window,
         server = false;
     } else {
       var Capsule = require('./capsule.models'),
         _ = require('underscore')._,
         server = true;
  2. Then add your root model that contains any child models or collections.

     exports.AppModel = Capsule.Model.extend({
       type: 'app',
       initialize: function (spec) {
         this.addChildCollection('members', exports.Members);
         this.addChildModel('activityLog', exports.ActivityLogPage);
  3. Set up socket.io and your node server. Here's the core of the socket.io event handlers.

     socket.on('connection', function (client) {
       var app, sessionId;
       // this is split out so we have a reference to it we can
       // bind and unbind on disconnect.
       function sendClientChanges(changes) {
       // I blast out the client templates this way, just cause we can.
         event: 'templates',
         templates: templates
       client.on('disconnect', function () {
         if (app) app.unbind('publish', sendClientChanges);
       client.on('message', function(message){
         var model, collection;
         switch (message.event) {
           case 'session':
              // Here you'd get user based on sessionid
              // you'd also get the corresponding app state that they should have access to.
              // `require` you shared models file and inflate or instantiate your root app model
              // Then grab whatever else you need and send the intial state to the client.
                event: 'initial',
                app: app.xport()
              // bind to the root `publish` events to send any changes to this client
              app.bind('publish', sendClientChanges);
           case 'set':
             // obviously we want to secure this, to make sure they're allowed
             // to edit what they're editing
           case 'delete':
             model = app.modelGetter(message.id);
             if (model && model.collection) model.collection.remove(model);
           case 'add':
             collection = app.modelGetter(message.id);
             if (collection) collection.add(message.data);
  4. In your client code. Do something like this.

     $(function () {
       // init our empty AppModel
       var app = window.app = new AppModel(),
         view = window.view = {},
       window.socket = new io.Socket();
       // get and send our session cookie (yes, i know httponly cookies would be more secure, but whatever it's demo)
       socket.on('connect', function() { 
         socket.send({event: 'session', cookie: $.cookie('&!')});
       socket.on('message', function (data) { 
         var changedModel, template;
         console.log('RECD:', data);
         switch (data.event) {
           case 'templates':
             for (template in data.templates) {
               ich.addTemplate(template, data.templates[template]);
           case 'initial':
             //import app state
             // init our root view
             view = window.view = new AppView({
               el: $('body'),
               model: app
           case 'change':
             changedModel = Capsule.models[data.id];
             if (changedModel) {
             } else {
               console.error('model not found for change event', data);
           case 'add':
           case 'remove':
             changedModel = Capsule.models[data.id];
             if (changedModel && changedModel.collection) {


I'd love to get feedback and/or pull requests on this. Or, hit me up on twitter @HenrikJoreteg.


  • Scaling questions: One big limitation of this approach in its current state is scaling. This library will be converted to use Thoonk.js to leverage Redis's clustering and pub/sub capabilities as a back end.
  • Better handling of offline support/flaky connections: Potentially one could build a changes queue of events if the connection is lost and then send those on reconnect.
  • Better/easier way to handle security instead of having to validate each message outside of the model structure on the server.
  • Full sample app (I've built stuff with this, but not opensourceable apps)
  • More awesome
  • Test suite


Realtime web app framework for Backbone, socket.io and node.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%